~Erasermic~ Daddy? 😳

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// Authors Note // 

Hello my wonderful readers! I am currently still in England. But I found some time to write. Now my trip is going to last longer than expected so there will still be less stories than expected, I'm so sorry about that! Enjoy 💗 

{Word count} 502



This story contains.......

•Sexual content 


If you don't like or are offend by these things please skip this story. 

Thank you! 


//Hizashi prov// 

Wasssuppp my name is Hizashi Yamada and I am here to tell you the most embarrassing story of my life. It involves my boyfriend of six months Aizawa or as I like to call him sho. So a little background story. 

We had been dating for six months. It was Valentine's Day and we went out for food. We hadn't............. Ya know "done the dirty" hell we had barely touched. To be completely honest, I really wanted too but sho barely let me kiss him so I knew there was no way it would happen, Or so I thought. So later that might we went back to his place, all was good. We watched some comedy show it was HILARIOUS! Sho didn't laugh once, but that's just classic sho. 

Anyways so later into the night I decided to test my luck and went in for a kiss, I wouldn't be surprised if he would just push me off the couch but instead he leaned into it! I was so happy and excited this hands started to wonder a bit and I was insanely surprised. We hadn't talked about........IT yet so I didn't think we would be doing it anytime soon. Anyways! Back to the insanely embarrassing story. While we were ya know getting it on well...... 


//Nobody's prov// 

 "OH YESS HARDER HARDER" the bed shook and shook hitting the wall repeatedly, sweat was running down Aizawa's face he had a exhausted look resting on his face more exhausted than usual...... If that's even possible. "FUCKKK~ OH YES YES YES! DON'T FUCKING STOP" The moans felt like they were vibrating the whole apartment but Aizawa didn't care, well not right now at least. "HARDER DADDY" Aizawa stopped immediately and looked down and the now embarrassed Hizashi laying under him. 

Hizashi jumped up and ran like he was being chased by three hundred zombies. "HIZASHI" Aizawa ran after him calling his name but it was no use he left a few missed calls and texts then fell asleep. 

                                              💫End of flashback 💫 

//Hizashi prov// 

IT WAS SO BAD! He keeps texting me and asking to talk. I don't want to talk! I don't know what came over me, I've never been like that before. So humiliating. So anyways that's why you should tape your mouth closed while having sex. 

//Authors Note// 

Well that's the story finished! I know a little strange but why the bell not? So I Hope you Enjoyed "Daddy 😳" 

💗 Alright readers,till we meet again 💗 

~ The anonymous gay writer ~ 

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