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Chaeyoung POV


"Maybe I should call first instead of going to a club at 4 in the morning, duh."

I sat in the front seat of my car listening to the phone ring waiting to hear that soft voice. It was raining, very calming to me.

"Huh, voicemail."

The rain could only calm me for so long. Of course I may be overreacting, but, something does not add up. The club is probably closed now so I should go to her old hotel where her friend is staying, maybe she's with them.

I arrive at the hotel and I see a cop car.

"Please Please Please Please." I said under my breath, hoping it's unrelated to my business.


I see Nayeon speaking with a cop, with Jeongyeon but I don't see Mina.

"Oh, Chaeyoung, oh my God you need to hear this." She pulled me aside while Jeongyeon kept listening to the police.

"Mina disappeared but most likely kidnapped. When we were at the club Jeongyeon and I had a fight and we left for a bit but we didn't think she would get kidnapped." She spoke with a shaky voice, with sobs in between her hands flying everywhere. It was damaging to witness. Even more damaging to know she's in danger. 

"Did you see anyone who could possibly be her kidnapper?" I said in a calm tone which seemed odd for Nayeon.

"Uh yeah that's the thing, Bam Bam was there." I felt my ears turn red, I felt all the blood rush to my brain, trying to blur my vision and get me flustered.

"He's the one that caused the fight actually, but that's not important right now. He kinda groped her and then we came to try to get him to leave but that fucker is so ughghh!" She bursted out in tears, probably regretting leaving her alone.

As for me, all I could do is stay calm. My blood is boiling and still, I'm calm. The rain does wonderful things doesn't it?

"Hey um, the police said that they are gonna begin the search, the officers that were at the bar found some witnesses." Jeongyeon came to tell us what's supposed to be good news.

"So, do we go help them or?" I asked.

"No, they said it could be dangerous and that including civilians is a bad idea." She said in a sad tone, clearly showing some emotion for Mina. Weird.

We are all soaked now, not caring about how cold we are, however my brain and heart were on fire and my stomach is in knots. I can't speak for everyone else, but I assume they aren't doing so well either.

"Chaeyoung let's go upstairs, you're probably so tired and cold." She looked at me with doe eyes. It was comforting for a few seconds. But i felt bad, I should be comforting her, that's her best friend and Mina's just my, well my friend, but it hurts a lot more than that, like she's family to me.

I follow them up to their room, shivering. We got in and were hit with a warm draft. Damn that felt nice.

"Jeongyeon I didn't know you used cologne." I said. I didn't smell it on her before, and all of a sudden got a whiff of it up here.

"I don't actually." We all looked at each other with the same idea. We stepped in front of Nayeon, checking the kitchen/living room. Next was the bedroom.

"Holy shit." I said, staring at our missing person, fast asleep, at least we hope so.

I ran to the bedside, taking her wrist to feel for a pulse.

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