breaking glass | y. jeongin

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genre: angst | fluff

warning: car accidents, blood

waiting for jeongin to meet you at your dinner reservation for you 3rd year anniversary, you looked at up as you felt someone tap on your shoulder. smiling as you see your lover. "someone looks hot right now" jeongin compliments you and gives you a kiss on the cheek and goes to sit in front of you.

with the talking you both shared after not seeing each other for a while and the food arriving to the table, you both were disturb by the workers of the restaurant singing. looking at the workers who had a small cake on a tray with unlit candles on it and walking towards your table, you look back at jeongin who is on one knee with a small velvet box in his hands, smiling wide. trying not to let a tear slip, you hear the other customers clap their hands.

in pure shock, the workers put the cake on the table and jeongin says his vows for you.

"y/n l/n, from the day we met and now, you make me feel like the happiest man. the memories we create together and we shared will be unforgettable. y/n, my baby, i had always dreamed of you becoming the love of my life to eternity, the mother of my children, and the woman ill decease. i love you so much that i cant live without you if anything ever happened. so baby, would you make me even more happy and marry me?"

failing at keeping your tears in, they all released and ruined your makeup. nodding your head as a yes, jeongin gets up and hugs you as everyone in the restaurant cheers for the couple. putting the diamond ring on your finger, the chef lights up the candles. you and jeongin look at each other with happy smiles on and holds each others hands. leaning towards the cake, you both blow out the candles together and heard a yelling and screaming in the corner of the room.

looking over at the chaos, you see stray kids cheering you both on. laughing as you see them trying to dress up as complete strangers to you and jeongin, they knew they failed and went over to you two and congratulated and gave a hug to you and jeongin.

packing up the unfinished food in your to-go box, jeongin goes and pays for the food after having a 30 second fight on who was going to pay. "im going to pay and that is the last of it" jeongin's finale words left his mouth and went to pay. leaving you sitting at the table, you wait for you now fiance to come back. admiring your new ring on your ring finger, you felt so lucky. lucky to have an amazing person just like yang jeongin.

"ready to go babe?" nodding your head, jeongin grabs the bag as you get your stuff and wrap your arm around his. thanking the restaurant, jeongin leads you to his veRy vERy niCE  car. opening the passenger door for you, you thank him and goes to the drivers side after closing your door.

on the way home in the dark with the headlights as a source of light, listening to your favorite songs and both of you sing it together. waiting for the red light to turn green, you suddenly leaned towards jeongin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "i have a gift for you at home baby" you say as jeongin turns to you with a smile and whispers a 'i love you'. smiling, you lean towards, whispering more 'i love yous' to him and gave him a kiss on his lips.

closing your eyes as youre too deep into the kiss, jeongin eventually closes his eyes too. feeling something hit the side of where you were sitting, you felt glass shattering on you and something painfully hits your stomach and side, making you instantly go numb and fall onto jeongin.

jeongin feels your body on top of his and sees blood come from you and glass on you. eyes watering, lifting his eyes up, he sees a deer running away from the car with your blood on its antlers. jeongin steps up and tries to stop your bleeding while calling 911.

'please dont die on me right now y/n'

pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room while you were still in the operation room as you were taken to the emergency way. jeongin calls your parents and his to let them know about the news. one not caring about you and one worried as hell and rushing to the hospital you were at as safe as possible. after dialing your closes friends and stray kids, jeongin runs his hands through his hair and lightly pulls on it.

angry is what he feels like. angry because he chose to take the non safest way to go home. angry because he didnt see any creatures out. angry that it was a hit and run. angry because it was you and not him.

all jeongin wants to do is go next to you and say sorry. sorry that he choose that route home. sorry that he wasnt able to open his present at home.

'please be safe, please'

jeongin sits on the chair with red eyes and one foot shaking with anxiety for now 3 hours. "yang jeongin?". jeongin lifts up his body and sees a doctor that was looking for him. "please follow me".

following the doctor, he leads jeongin to your room. "luckily she survived but she'll have to stay in a coma for around 3-7 days due to all glass in her and a stab to her stomach. but it seems like she was 18 weeks pregnant. unfortunately, the baby was not able to survive, resulting miss y/n having a miscarriage."

"m-miscarriage?" jeongin felt like his world had stopped spinning. was that his gift? he was going to be a father? tears streamed down his face uncontrollably.

"yes a miscarriage. trust me, it wasnt either your and y/n's fault. it was the antlers." the doctor pauses to look at your condition and back to talking to jeongin. "you can stay here and be next to her since i know how much you love her. dont worry bud, she'll be alright" he says and pats jeongins shoulder for comfort. jeongin thanks the doctor and goes to your side as the doctor left the room and closed the door.

jeongin couldnt hold it in anymore. it was his fault he got you into. wrapping his hands around your left hand, where your engagement ring was still on. kissing your hand, he mumbles apologies and i love you. waiting for you to wake up.

its been 5 days since the accident and 5 days since you havent woken up. jeongin, who is tired but wanting to stay up till you woke up, has been miserable, memories of you two playing on the playground in elementary school. then your 3rd year in high school, jeongin had asked you out and be his. all the dates you two will have. the kisses. and gifts. everything would just flash in his mind, desperate for you to wake up.

looking around your hospital room, its full of 'get well soon' balloons and flowers from your family, his, and close friends.

jeongin almost fell asleep til he felt your hand twitch in his. lifting his body up, he sees you blinking your eyes. "y-y/n?" jeongin calls out. turning your head of where the sound was coming from, you see your one and only. a weak smile forms on you and a tear falls from your eyes. "dont cry baby, im right here" jeongin wipes your tears away.

jeongin goes and gets the doctor, telling him the great news. the doctor goes up to you and tells you what happened and your results. hearing the word miscarriage made you feel numb. jeongin feels you tense up but tries to comfort you the best way as possible.

after the doctor left and gave you and jeongin some peace time. as he close the door, you start breaking and bawling your eyes out with your body shaking from fear. "b-baby. did he just say i had a m-miscarriage" unable to process the words, you felt everything go down.

"y/n, babe. its okay. its okay just calm down" unable to breathe, you felt jeongins arms around you, feeling a bit less anxious.


after you calming down, you looked into jeongins eyes and sees that he has eye bags and the sparkles usually in his eyes gone. "im sorry jeongin" you felt a few tears slip out, making your fiance worry again.

"hey, its okay love. theres nothing to be sorry about, okay?" he reassures you. "but i-i just ruined your present." "its okay. we can always try again another time. right now, im just glad youre awake now. now dont worry about anything, okay love?" nodding your head, jeongin's fingers caress your head, making you feel more calm, smiling.

"i love you" you both said at the same time. giggling, you fought over of who loved who more. you made the 'i love you more than 1 billion times' last and jeongin finally agree, kissing your lips.

END <3

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