hours without you | l. minho

395 6 0

genre: angst | fluff

warnings: mafia!minho

1 am.

"maybe we should've have gotten married in the first place!" y/n shouted at minho. "i'm so sick of you leaving the family during the day and come back with bruises. what would happen if you continued doing it? what would happen to me and miyeon? how would we live?"

all minho could do was look down at his shoes. he didn't want to disappoint you or miyeon. he wanted to kill all the bad people so miyeon wouldn't have to witness it, just like what you did in your teen ages. miyeon was just four years old and neither did you or minho want her to see these type of things as minho's job. making you have to do work from home and miyeon being home-schooled in the future.

without one night of arguing at 1 in the morning would be a routine. it's like you and minho were arguing, non-stop with miyeon quietly listening in her bedroom upstairs. she wanted to sleep, not hearing her parents who she loves so much from her heart argue. it was now 2 am now and she still heard talking. the next thing she heard was the door slamming and her fathers sobs.

7 am.

miyeon came out of her room to the whole house being quiet. with her tiny steps, she carefully made her way to open her parents door, only to find nobody in the room. so goes down stairs and see her father; sleeping on the couch with dried tear streaks on his face. miyeon whimpered and touched her dad's face with her baby hands as her fingers when over the bruises and cuts on it.

minho's pov

my eyes slowly opens to the warmth of little hand. 'ah, miyeon'. i suddenly got worried after i saw tears coming down her face. "where's mommy?" with that question, i started bawling my eyes. being in a gang wasn't easy. especially when you have to protect the two girls you love.

all i wanted to do was save up some money to take the girls to lotte world and i finally did it. except, only one would be left out.

2 am.

y/n's pov

as i slammed the door shut, i could hear minho's sobs. it broke my heart but i couldn't bare of what he's done to the family. working in a gang, not coming home for family purposes, etc. walking around seoul, with nothing but my phone. i looked down while walking, thinking of the past.

'i love you y/n. i was going to wait but since you told me about the news and the baby, i decided to do it now.' minho says softly to you, as he gets on one knee and proposes to you.

'yes! yes of course i will minho!'


'you're doing great, honey. just a bit more' as minho caresses your hand while giving birth. you kept pushing until you heard baby cries. and with that, the tears that were in your eyes were turning into joyful eyes. the nurses hand over yours and minho's baby and happily says "congratulations. it's a baby girl" you and minho could stop smiling and crying. "let's name her miyeon. lee miyeon." you suggested. "i love it. baby miyeon" minho says and kisses both yours and miyeon head.

the time you and miyeon were resting in the hospital room, minho couldn't help but shed more tears, joyful tears. miyeon sleeping in the crib next to you and you in the bed. he went to miyeon as he took a peaceful moment to see his beautiful babygirl. "i love you miyeon. me and mommy loves you so much. don't forget that little one. daddy will take care of you both" minho says gently, as miyeon woke up and instantly wrapped her little fingers around minho's finger.

stray kids imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon