The outing

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The whole bionic family found themselves in the living room of the Arnold's house. Amelia found her self sat on the sofa tightly sat next to Chase, her palms were sweaty and she was gulping down the lump that kept forming in her throat. Wyatt sat on the other side of the sofa but was giving his sister some space for what he knew was about to happen. Their parents were sat on arm chairs opposite the rest of the davenport family who were half sitting and half standing on random makeshifts chairs.
It wasn't a long time before Amelia's parent's were told about her bionics, Amelia barely scrapped out the words but when she did her mother exploded with rage. It didn't take much time before she got Donald and Douglas crying and hugging each other in the corner. The sound of her shouting would make your ears bleed, unfortunately, Amelia was used to this tone and so was prepared for it.

"How ignorant could you people be? You killed my daughter and then thought it okay to inject her with foreign substance that makes her inhuman.-"

"Mum please, they saved my life."

"After putting it in danger, how naive can you be to think that these people care for you. They don't care, if they cared they wouldn't have got you killed in the first place." The anger being directed at Amelia made her eyes stream, she was never good in those situations all she could do was revert to being a little kid, she found it hard to say anything, her eyes stung with the salty tears and her hand began to shake.
Chase looked down at the tremoring hand and took it in his, he wanted her to know that no matter where this went he would always be there for her.

"Mum, they couldn't have anticipated this soldier blasting her, its not their fault." Wyatt said.

"Not their fault? They should have known this was going to happen when they introduced Amelia to their lives. Do you think it's funny to let helpless little girls into your dangerous lives? Hmm? Did you tell her about your bionics because you thought she'd be a good scape goat? I told you Amelia when they were exposed on the internet to leave Chase, this wasn't good news, you said you did. You told me you had no clue about this. Was that even true?"


"No? No what, use your words."

"I knew all along about the bionics, i found out for myself, they weren't going to tell me."

"You found out? You're the most oblivious person in the world and you found out. No wonder you guys got outed."

"I never left chase, i love him and even though i was attacked and killed because of that it doesn't change a thing. They never meant for me to get hurt and when i did they saved me, they did everything they could so i could come back home to you."

"You might as well have stayed dead."

"Mum, you can't possibly mean that." Wyatt interrupted.

"I do, this girl, this girl isn't my daughter anymore. She has done nothing but lie to me for months, she's a ghost, a memory."

Amelia rose from her seat, still holding tightly onto Chase's hand. "No, i am your daughter, whether you like it or not. And I'm sorry for lying but I didn't know how to tell you any of this for this exact reason. Mum, I'm still me, nothing has changed i just can do more than before."

"I can't be here right now." Mrs Arnold stormed out of the room and hurried to kitchen, this was very unusual for her usually she wouldn't go anywhere until a problem was resolved but this wasn't something she felt like she could resolve.

"I'll go after her, you did well okay, and you still have me." Wyatt smiled before walking into the kitchen after their mother.

"Dad?" Amelia breathed.

Her father stood up and walked over to his daughter and embraced her in a hug. Amelia could feel her worry release, even if it was only for a few seconds it was better than nothing. When Mr Arnolds let go he looked over at Donald and Douglas, "thank you for saving my daughter" then looked at Chase, "look out for her out there, she can be too strong for her own good sometimes."  Then he looked at his daughter's bright blue eyes that reflected his own. "I love you, your mother will come around with time, she always does. I'm happy your finally all that you've ever wanted to be - a hero." And with that he left for the kitchen, replacing Wyatt who walked back into the he living room.

"Well, good news, Dad's going to talk to her-"

"What's the bad news Wy?"

"She want's you out, but only for now I'm sure she'll want you back."

"Don't hold your breath. I guess we should get going then." Amelia wiped away her tears, hugged her brother goodbye and walked out of the house, the rest of the Davenports following. Chase never let go of Amelia's hand the whole way home, even though she hardly looked at him she focused on looking out the window. Chase wondered what was going through her head at that moment.
Amelia was staring out the window desperately trying not to cry and desperately trying to shut down and escape her reality before she could feel anything too deeply. She couldn't do it, but was too afraid that if she looked at anyone it would come out.

Amelia had been acting normal for the rest of the day, laughing, messing around, working on her biology, she didn't eat much that day, but she never did after an argument. Chase had noticed this but decided not to question too far into it.
When it was time to sleep amelia made her way into the bathroom and started brushing her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror, the first time all day, and began to cry. She cried harder than she ever had before. She couldn't breathe and only got halfway through brushing her teeth before she collapsed on the floor. She held her knees close to her chest and cried into them.
From outside Chase could hear the sobbing with his super hearing and hurried to the door. He hovered his hands over the handle debating whether to go in or give her space. He took the leap and unlocked the door using his molecular kinesis and saw his sobbing girlfriend cradled next to the toilet. He knelt next to her and pulled her into his chest. Chase knew they were there for a long time but he didn't care, he wasn't leaving her alone. He was going to look out for her like her father asked him to do... just like he wanted to do.

No one else knew about this night, no one else had to. They had each other and that's all they needed in that moment.

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