What If The Jedi Never Helped The War Pt. 1

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Hi. Here is your artwork! It might take place in the story...... :D yay. Enjoy!!!!! ❤️


The Jedi Temple~

The war was brutal. For almost 2 decades, it had been going on. The Jedi wanted nothing to do with it. They raised the new younglings in peace and had no worry. When they would come for them, their parents had no problem letting them go, so that their children wouldn't have to grow up in such a bloody place.

Ahsoka was given up by her people so that she could have a peaceful life. She felt grateful, but wondered what it would have been if she stayed. She would have learned how to be like her people by experience, not by books from the library. Sure, Master Shaak Ti taught her some of their lineage, but it wasn't the same.

Anakin and Padme could hardly see each other. Sense the Jedi restrained themselves from the War, that also meant politics. He didn't really have a reason to go see her, and they couldn't risk it.

Grand Master Yoda was very conflicted with the choice of not entering the war. It was the Jedi's duty to keep the peace. He knew that the sith were playing some role in all of this. But the best that they could do, is help the people who were effected by the cause that they created.

The Clone Barracks~

Rex just went through another battle with his brothers. Their commander, a bounty hunter hired by the republic, just gave a debriefing on their next objective. New reports showed that Shili were going to be attacked again. He wasn't fond of the republics choice of bounty hunters, but it wasn't his choice to decide.

Fives wasn't one for the war. He was one for bets, games, and pranks. Their commander did not like his mischievous schemes. That made it all the more fun to pull through with them for Fives. Not to mention but Fives was one of the best ARC troopers the 501st had, so the commander couldn't do much for him in forms of punishment. Although the commander did change the WiFi password......

Kix didn't like their commander one bit. Always went strait forward with this and hardly looked another way for a better option. It always ended with high casualty numbers. Sometimes he thought that the commander didn't even care. I mean who would. They are just clones. They were meant to be expendable......

Current Time

Today was Ahsoka's first mission off world. Before, she would be tasked with helping as many people as she could on Coruscant which had too many levels to begin with. It was all just: chase down this guy, or help people in need kind of a deal. But now, she was old and mature enough to go off world.

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