{15} {found}

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Demi found me in a mess.

She picked me up, I thrashed against her chest. She restrained me, holding my arms tight.

She put me on her bed, she stared at me.

"I'm not crazy." I whispered barely above inaudible.

"I know." she replied.

My parents came, they were mad.

"What on earth is going on?" My fathers voice bellowed through the room.

I rolled onto my side, curling my knees close to my chest.

I tried to drown them out, but they were too loud, all of them.

"You're grounded." my dad told me, I didn't care, I'd already lost everything.

"Are you even listening?" My mother said as she pushed my shoulder.

"Leave her." Demi told her.

No one got it, maybe Demi a little. They didn't get what the voices told me, what they did to me.

"I've had enough." my mom said before storming out of the room.

They all hate you.

"Shut up." I covered my ears with my hands but nothing could block them out.

"Stop being rude sophie." my dad yelled.

I screamed, yelled out in pain. The emotional pain.

I stood up, I had to get out. The walls were inching closer to me, the room shrinking.

I ran, not far, just to my room.

I locked the door.

I crumbled down into a ball leaning on the door. I cried and screamed out as I pulled my hair.

You're going insane. They're coming to take you away.

"STOP IT." I yelled out.

I stood up in a fury, my vision blurred by my tears.

I was angry, at everyone.

I'm not insane, I'm not crazy, I'm just Sophie.

I lashed out, I smashed my arm across my dressing table pushing everything onto the floor.

A picture frame smashed, glass everywhere.

I knew what I had to do, I knew what I wanted to do.

I grabbed a piece of glass, gripping it in my hand.

I wiped my face with my free hand, so I could see properly.

I eyed the glass, I could finally be free.

This glass, would end my pain.

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