I'll be there for you

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Daichi entered the café and immediately saw his friends sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. 

"Haha ! Here is Daichi ! What are the news today ? asked Tanaka, drinking his coffee while sitting in the beige armchair. 

- I'm exhausted, the brown-haired man replied. Why are these people so obsessed with burning cars ? I mean, is that a kink or something ?

- Oh yeah, let's talk about kinks, Tanaka and Noya said at the same time.

- No. I'm not a part of that shit, Tsukishima said, putting his glasses correctly on his nose.

- I agree. Topic closed, Kiyoko added.

- Anyways... I feel like my life is really boring, Daichi mumbled. The same cases at work, with the same boring colleagues. I wish I could meet someone nice and like, get married or something.

At the same time, the door of the café opened widely. A young man of average height, with grey hair and chocolate eyes came in, looking furious and sobbing. He was wearing what looked like a wedding costume, with a white flower on his chest.

- And I want a million dollars ! Noya shouted.

The man was about to take a seat at the counter, when Kiyoko suddenly stood up.

- Suga ?!

He turned his head to face the young lady. His eyes widened as he smiled.

- Kiyoko ! Oh my god, is that really you ? I can't believe it !

He walked to her and hugged her. She seemed to hesitate a bit, but she hugged him back, slightly awkwardly.

- I haven't seen you since high school ! Suga said, looking truly excited. What are you doing with your life ?

- Well... I am a doctor now. 

- Wow, that's so cool !

- Ah... How rude am I... Guys, this is Suga. Suga, this is the guys.

- Well, hello..."guys", he waved his hand with a cute smile.

He looked at Daichi's face and inclined his head, raising an eyebrow.

- Do I know you ? Your face seems familiar to me.

- Uh, Daichi replied, my name is Daichi Sawamura. If that can help you.

- Ooooh, right ! We were in high school together too ! You were the captain of the volleyball team !

Daichi blinked several times and blushed, feeling guilty not to remember any detail of the man standing in front of him.

- I- I was, yeah... I'm sorry... I- I don't remember you...

- Oh, Suga responded. Don't worry about that. So, what are you guys' names ?

- I'm Tanaka !

- And I'm Noya ! Pleased to meet you !

- Tsukishima Kei, said the blonde guy with glasses.

- Suga, Kiyoko started, why are you dressed like that ? Are you getting married ?

His face lost all joy and his eyes went darker.

- Well, I don't mind explaining to you, but could I have a seat, please ? 

Daichi moved a bit on the couch to let him rest.

- Thank you, Daichi. 

Daichi felt weird hearing his name in the mouth of someone he just met. At least, that was how things were stated in his head. He felt really bad about not remembering someone from his past, especially if that person rememebered him well. 

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