Bonus chapter : What Kei did instead of playing poker

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Noya and I organise a poker party next weekend, Tanaka said. Everyone is invited !

- I won't come, Tsukishima said.

- Why, Tsukki ? Tanaka asked with a sad face.

- Because I have plans.

- Yeah, Yachi said. His plans' name is Tada-

- I swear to God if you say one more word...

It was Saturday, 6 : 30 pm, and Tsukishima was in his university room, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling. 

I really want to kill Yachi sometimes. But I can't. Because Kiyoko would literally skin me. God, I'm thinking like a psychopath. Maybe I am one. No, I don't think so. Anyways, Tadashi is going to come in less than thirty minutes, and I haven't done anything yet. I haven't washed the dishes, I haven't made my bed, the bedsheets are a mess, wildly folded. I should move my ass and do something right now. But I don't want to. I don't have the motivation. I keep thinking about him, but I don't seem to understand he's going to be here soon. Why ? What is wrong with me ? 

Kei opened his music app, hoping that listening to some rock music would motivate him. But it didn't wake him up. Tadashi was the only one who was able to wake him up.

He sat on the bed, his headphones on his ears. He slapped his own face, and got up to do the housework. He washed the dishes, put the plates and the mugs in the cupboard and made his bed neatly. He then sat, reading a book, still listening to music.

7 : 02

Kei went to the window and looked at the street. He's two minutes late. He's never late. Tsukishima was actually a really anxious man, although he was professionally practicing poker face and lies. Even Yamaguchi wasn't aware of that. At least that was what Kei thought. He didn't know that Tadashi knew each one of his secrets. 

7 : 10

Tsukishima was starting to feel really anguished. His boyfriend had almost never been late in all his life. He tried to focus on his book, reading slowly every single word, when he heard knocking on the door. He stood up quickly and opened to the young smiling man who was waiting in the corridor.

"Hey, Tsukki ! he said, smiling even more. 

Tadashi was a bit shorter than Kei, which wasn't a difficult thing. He had freckles on his cheeks, but also on his whole body. But that was a thing Tsukishima was the only one in the entire world to know. He had dark hair with strange olive tones. His hair, which hadn't been cut since almost two years, was tied in a little bun at the back of his head. 

- Can I come in ?

- Of course.

Tadashi came in, his hands hidden behind his back. Kei raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

- I'm sorry for being a bit late, Tsukki. I know you start to get scared when I don't show up at the exact hour you tell me to come.

- What ? I don't, Kei said, flustered.

- Anyways, the reason I'm late is...

With a smile, he showed a little box from behind his back to his boyfriend.

-... I went to the bakery to take you a stawberry cake !

Tsukishima looked surprised. He took the box from Yamaguchi's hands and put it in the kitchen without a word. The shorter man stood in the middle of the room, astonished. Kei came back and put his hands around Tadashi's waist, kissing him gently. 

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