Chapter One

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Shoto woke up bristling himself from his nightmare. He let out a small sigh when he saw Tamaki laid next to him fast asleep. The boy kissed his husband before getting up to get some water. "Babe wait!" Amajiki grabbed Shoto pulling him back into bed. "Cuddles" he spoke groggly with a small pout. Shoto allowed himself to fall down on the bed wrapping his arms around the winged boy. "Tell me a story" Tamaki laid his head against the flaming boy's chest. "There once was a small child, he was shy and lonely. He lacked friends and his parents hurt him, psychically and emotionally, sometimes even mentally. The boy slowly grew up not getting the childhood others experienced. When he was a toddler his mother was sent away and called a distraction. His father became power hungry and his siblings became distant in fear of getting hurt. Betrayed the boy felt upset, unable to see his family happy. He felt at fault for the family slowly crumbling. He tried to piece in together with bandages in hopes to make others around him happy. It wasn't enough the older he got the more angry he became, not at his family but himself for not being good enough to be a future hero. He mourned the disappearance of his brother, his hero, he cried wishing for him to come back. Unsatisfied the boy slowly started to fade. His mind becoming anything but friendly as it burned painful memories into it. He was conditioned to feel no emotions and yet there was still something wrong with him. He felt it around him. He was the laughing stock to the naked eye. Each insult struck his heart slowly tearing at it. Wearing him down part by part. Unable to stop it he continued down a dangerous path, shutting others out and ignoring his feelings. One day his own anger was his ending, almost.

Shaken with the attempt to succeed he took a boy head on not knowing what to expect. What his quirk was. He wanted- no needed to make his family proud of him. He tried to take down the villian but his words echoed vile words in his head. The boy overcome with anger let loose on his fire not caring about the safety of others around. The villian had a quirk similar and stronger. The fire an electric blue as it blazed across the cracked cement and toward the similar quirked boy. "Brother. It's been years." The blue fire boy spoke his voice chilling to the other boy. "Why did you become a villian?" The question lingered in the pungent air snapping for an unsolved answer.

"That family didn't care for me. They never did. Everytime I tried to feel good about myself that disgrace of a father used me in the same way he used you. Constant training day after day. Flesh becoming bloodshed as my body became patched from the dreaded past. I ran away, the only thing I knew how to do. Escape that family and start new. Toga and Twice, they seemed to understand me. They had their stories and I had mine. We connected then that's when a pro hero tried to hurt me. Our pasts similar but our hatred for one another burned brighter than the hottest of flames." Spoke the voice again "

Shoto glanced down to see Tamaki with tears in his eyes. "You never deserved it. It's not your fault he left you for that pro hero. He just wanted a fresh start, like you've gotten. I'm sure with some guidance from his boyfriend he'll calm down." Tamaki soothed the now crying boy.

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