Chapter Nine

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"Well, well, well, would you look what the fog brought us!" Shigaraki clasped his hands together in delight at the two twenty-eight year olds lying on the cold concrete. "A pro hero, and a fellow former friend." Shigaraki tsked pulling the two to their feet. "If you're not careful you'll end up like Overhaul" he warned perilously his voice bleeding a hidden sadistic smile.

"Why are we here?" Hawks asked as he was pulled to his feet. "A hero and a villian together. That's not very safe, agent" Shigaraki gasped before letting out a giggle "you think I didn't know you were working with Endeavor. You're trying to take us all down." Shigaraki shook his head "tie these two up Twice," Shigaraki smirked sitting on a barstool to watch.

"You think you'd be smarter" Hawks shrugged under the tight ropes "don't you think. Taking in a quirkless hero and a villian that betrayed you. Isn't that a bit queer?" Hawks asked glancing at Tomura who scratched at his neck. "You're just children, your potential to grow and become villians is enormous." He spoke monotone. "We're more than children. Unlike yourself we have common sense." Hawks retorted bitterly the words slicing through the chilled air. "Is that so?" Shigaraki asked jumping off his stool "tell me agent what do you have to report back to the heroes? Hm?" He grinned when seeing Hawks fall short of words. Hawks remained silent for a moment coming up with something he hoped would be clever. "It would really suck if Overhaul beat you at your game? Don't you think, a germaphobic, bird brain like him. The quirk that can both create and destroy. Isn't that sad, getting second place in the top villians spot. Never being good enough to achieve number one." Hawks shook his head frowning for the boy in front of him.

"Y-you mean nothing by that. That bird brain has nothing against me. I can destroy anything I touch flightless bird boy." Shigaraki shook his head scratching his neck. "I don't know, what ever you destroy he can probably just recreate. You're basically nothing against him." Keigo shrugged once more. "I am Tomura Shigaraki, the greatest villian of all time!" He fumed grasping hard against the ropes tied brutally tight against Hawks. "I may be part bird, but you seem to have the bird brain my friend." Hawks was now stood face to face with the blue haired boy. "You-" he growled his veiny hands trembling to choke Hawks out. "Better watch it crusty lips." Dabi smirked now free from his ropes. "You really didn't think of what my quirk could do could you? You put a fire quirk up against rope." Dabi rose his right hand blue flames burning brightly in front of him. "One mark on him and your hideout goes up in flames." Threatened Dabi his fire dancing across his skin waiting to find a new surface to connect with.

"Don't do it Shigaraki- do it!" Shouted Twice as he surrounded the twenty eight year olds with his replicas. "Come get me!" Echoed the replicas closing in on the hawk boy and Blueflame.

"Scared to lose?" Blurted a clone on Hawks' left. He examined it, the clone twitching under Hawks' intense glare. "Sorry in advance but. Not really." With a knee to the clones crotch they fell down. Closing their eyes in pain as Hawks held him down with his heavy boot. "Now Touya!" He shouted watching as flames licked at the clones. With each echo the clones fell to their knees vanishing away. "I may be quirkless but I'm far from stupid Jin Bubaigawara." Hawks smirked increasing his weight to his left foot set atop of Twice's chest. "If you didn't mess with a hawk your situation could've been much better."

"You may have outsmarted Twice but you're in for a bumpy ride Keigo Takami" smirked the impersonation of Endeavor. "Himiko Toga, quirk to drink the blood of her victim to impersonate them. However you would have had to get close enough to Endeavor and last I heard from him he was a fireball waiting to ignite violently. He wouldn't let a psycho like you get near him, he's far too hot headed." Toga screamed her voice shrill as she melted back to herself. "It is true what they say about red tail hawks, they are pretty intelligent." She smiled steeping closer to Hawks. "Flirting to get in my head, not now Toga" he shook his head pinpointing the syringe behind her back. "I'm far too old for you, plus you have Izuku Midoriya, am I correct?" Hawks asked "he would be devastated to hear you were hitting on a pro hero." Hawks played into the game.

"He doesn't think I'm sane enough!" She crossed her arms. The syringe now in sight "how do you feel about that?" Keigo asked propping his hand under his chin. "He should like me, not that gravity girl!" She shrieked tossing down the syringe in rage. "I want to show him how sane I can be" she smiled insanely running a plan through her head as she giggled stepping even closer to the wingless hawk. Her ears twitched when she heard a crack under her shoe. "My blood source!" She exclaimed crumpling to the ground heartbroken.

"My friends!" Shigaraki growled his feet heavy on the ground as he charged at the boy's. "Smoke screen" Dabi spoke setting his path on fire before falling through the portal that sucked them up. "Well played flighless bird and patches" spoke the monotone voice sending both boys back home to Keigo's house.

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