Chapter Five

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The hospital soon filled up with everyone from class 1A. This shocked Todoroki as he was kicked out and sent back to the waiting room. "Everyone is here?" He looked in the small waiting room to see in fact everyone. "We heard what happened to Amajiki!" Tenya swatted the air in a robotic motion. "Why are you all here?" Asked the confused twenty one year old. "There are still more people coming!" Chirped Ochako "All Might, he heard the news and is coming now and so are some of the pro heroes" Asui explained placing a delicate finger on her chin. Shoto nodded slowly "do you know which pro heroes?" He asked biting his tongue "Best Jeanist," Deku recalled closing his eyes to think "Mount Lady, Recovery Girl, Grant Torino, Midnight, Night Eye, Present Mic, Endeavor, his sidekick possibly." Deku stopped talking when he saw Todoroki's fists balled up.

"What is it Todoroki?" He asked glancing back up at the boy's twitching lips. "Nothing" he spoke roughly "Shoto" Aizawa used his quirk to stop the kid from burning the hospital down out of rage. "I need air" he grumbled leaving everyone to questions thier former classmates behavior. "What's up with Half n Half?" Bakugou snorted "Kachan don't just ask that! It's rude!" Deku reminded his boyfriend. "He's right Bakugou, that's invasion of privacy." Kirishima explained to the blonde.

"Should someone go check on him?" Asked Hagakure waving her hands in the air. "I-I can do it, I have a feeling I know what's troubling him." Eri spoke standing to her feet. She rushed after the boy hot on his heel. "Shoto stop, I know why you're mad. If he shows up you don't have to even talk to him. I don't think either want trouble." Eri warned lightly.

"Deku was right!" Eri exclaimed watching as Present Mic and Midnight scurried past them. Shortly after came All Might and Grant Torino, then Mount Lady and Best Jeanist. Close behind followed Night Eye and Recovery Girl and lastly the three that made Shoto tug at his hair.

"Shoto!" Shouted Endeavor shaking his head in disapproval at his biological son. Shoto rolled his eyes watching the angry adult pass through the doors. Eri bit her lip when seeing Hawks and Dabi near by. "Shoto stay please! You'll be okay!" She grasped his wrist pulling him back as Hawks nodded at him his hand inches from Dabi's. Shoto but down exceptionally hard on his tongue. Words threatening to shoot silver bullets right to the pro heroes heart. "Bastard" Shoto muttered digging his hands into his pockets. "What was that?" Asked the twenty seven year old his hawk like eyes preying into the boy in front of him. "I said you're a bas-" Eri pulled at the stubborn boy "not now brother!" She hissed pulling him away to avoid conflict. His feet gripped into place as he growled lowly at the pro hero in front of him. "You destroyed my family. My brother was my idol and you took him from me. You have your secret love affairs don't you?" Todoroki bursted into flames burning near his sister. "One move and those wings go up in flames Keigo" Hawks stood still his hands in his pockets.

"Your brother came to me when he ran away. He wanted intell on Endeavor to ruin his dad in the same way he harmed you. He asked me to be a secret agent and patrol the possible plans of the downfall that would come soon to Enji. One thing led to another and when I betrayed Dabi he tried to ignite me on fire. His flames burned my wings and I was in critical condition for a month. I had a warning to not do the right thing and Dabi was going to be my downfall. He wanted me to look after him because he didn't trust himself, so I became his babysitter boyfriend. More stuff happened and now we don't hate each other's guts." Hawks replied his posture calm under Shoto's glare. "You!" Shoto gritted his teeth his pupils quivering as he shot ice at the Keigo. "Enough" croaked a voice standing between the two riled men stood Dabi. "Stop trying to hurt each other. It's not worth it." He grimaced at them "I'm sorry Shoto, I tried to be there for you but dad always separated us. He was focused on controlling you and when that didn't go as planned he tried to use me. I lost control of the fire that burned brightly against my skin as it melted my body. The flames were too much it left scars that showed my vulnerability to not succeed and I couldn't take it. I was eleven when I fled, I gave up on all hope. I felt lonely, lost, depressed, craving for something to fill the void in my heart. I found Keigo, at the time he was in school and we became friends at first. We shared our similar backstories and poured out all of our thoughts as if we were confident they would stay between our shared oxygen. I only knew Hawks by that name, until I learned he was undercover investigating the villian league. He wanted me to leave. Told me the friends I made changed me. Yet I didn't feel different. But he threatened to turn me in and I threatened death upon him. Our fall out caused chaos and we stopped speaking to each other for six years till I found out that he was working to become a hero. The thought repulsed me but when I saw him again I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He soon achieved his goal and I sat back unable to feel happy for him. I wanted some recognition, the league became my home and everytime Hawks would spy in on us we'd let him stay. It became his home open for the rejected kids. The misunderstood ones. Needless to say  that's why we are associating with each other. We both came from a jaded past and rekindled in a group that benefited our desires to feel wanted." Dabi told his broken down brother.

"So that means you're-" Todoroki shook his head pulling at his hair. "Touya Todoroki, yes, I needed a new identity when joining the league they weren't able to figure out I was the son of Endeavor. I found a home that accepted me for my new attitude and what not." Dabi smirked watching as Shoto balled up his fists "I spent years with that old man's abuse. Mom was sent away and Fuyumi had to care for Natsuo and myself when dad was being a prick. She was only twelve and she had to give up her childhood to raise a five and eight year old. She had to hold it together and tell us that we'd be okay. She was just twelve! She missed mom as did I and Natsuo. He knew better than me that she was not returning. I was five, the abuse lasted for years and it still goes on. Maybe not psychically but mentally. His words are a sharp blade cutting deeply bursting their poison. "Show no emotions. You're mother was a distraction. Get up and get over it! Those were the things I was told, Fuyumi was too emotional to stop him and Natsuo was too scared. I was the human punching bag for words to deflect off of me as if I had thick skin but let me tell you. I cried every night, wishing to escape it all with Fuyumi and Natsuo. I became this failure to him, he pushed me to the point where I started to feel numb. The harsh reality making him smile to know that my emotions were the embodiment of a black hole. Dead, gone. I lost all contact with Natsuo and Fuyumi, they only reached out to me about mom's heath or to warn me about dad's anger. So yeah you're like sixteen years too late. Not that it mattered that much." Todoroki spoke his eyes not leaving the piercing blue ones in front of him. "Have fun with your fuck buddy because I'm done. I'm done with Keigo fucking Takami and you. You backstabbing bastard." Shoto let out a breath shaking his head as he reentered the hospital his fists clenching and unclentching.

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