Chapter Fourteen

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Another year was slowly coming to a close. It all seemed perfect, snow fell from the sky showering everyone gracefully. Denki bit his lip, Kirishima stood next to him. "You'll do great Kami" he smiled at his best friend. "What if-" Bakugou shook his head "no what ifs kid, if she doesn't accept you then that's her loss." Bakugou sipped his beer "that's very mature of you?" Denki laughed his electricity bursted uncontrolled. "Kid! You're losing control soften up." Bakugou barked out loudly. "Not know Bakugou, please it has to be perfect!" Denki cried his eyes watery. "Okay! So we rehearse?" Asked Mina with a smile "s-sure" Danki rubbed the back of his neck.

"Jiro, this is kind of embarrassing but everyone is settling down and I feel left out. I've known since the day I met you that I wanted to marry you. You are the sanity in my electric life. You are the pika to my chu, you make me feel alive, electrified." Denki's eyes met Mina's onyx ones. Behind her stood Jiro with a smirk. She leaned against the wall listening to Denki's speech.

"Denki Kaminari, I love you whether you're smart or not. You keep me entertained every day that I'm with you. Let us be inseparable as Pikachu and Ash are, for you are my human Pikachu and I am you're forever friend and soulmate." Jiro smiled as Denki shorted out "Jiro you're- OW-h-here?" Denki let out a groan as he sparked helplessly.

Jiro walked over to him pulling him against her. She kissed his lips before pulling back with a loving smile. "I love you dummy. Now come on the fireworks are going to start soon." She grabbed his hand as they walked hand in hand to the edge of the rooftop. "Denki?" Jiro asked laying her head on his shoulder "yes Jiro?" He asked calmly "you don't need to blow my mind. I already want to spend my day's end with you till the day we're forced apart or until after we pass." Denki smiled "I love you" he held her close. "I love you too Denki, to the end of it all."

Frosted Flames (Second Book To Achromatic Butterflies)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя