Chapter Twelve

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Mezo sat by his lonesome staring out at everyone laughing and having fun. "Wonder what that's like" replied his mouth appendage on his arm. Shoji closed his eyes overcome with feeling blue. "Is this seat taken?" Asked the familiar monotone voice. "Take it" replied the talking appendage. Gratefully the fire and ice boy looked out at his friends having fun. "I've always felt alone in this world. Everything felt like it came crumbling down, but as I started losing hope it began looking up. I have a husband, a sister a loving dad-"

"Save it." Gritted the mouth from Shoji's tentacle. "Okay, tell me why are you here alone?" Shoto asked turning to the taller male. "I have- no one." He spoke plainly pushing away the subject.

"What do you-" Mezo turned glaring at the shorter boy. "Have you ever seen me without this mask? Do you know why I have no one close to me? No one to call family." Shoto stayed still "you have-"

"NO one" Mezo reminded "why should it matter what's under your mask?" Shoto asked his eyes trailing off. "I scared a small child in my village. The town hated me and I couldn't go anywhere without getting dreaded comments. Their glaring eyes and sharp words. So of course I had to cover the monsterous look I gave off. Ever since that day this mask has stayed on. To show that I'm not a monster. But it's not enough, not even my parents liked me." Shoji's mouth tentacle gritted its teeth.

"No matter what's under there Shoji I still find you friendly. It's not about appearance, it's personality."

"Of course the monotone kid who was so friendly back then" Shoji rolled his eyes. "I've changed" Shoto muttered "back then I had to go through with having to choose between family and school. My sister had to raise two of my other siblings while my dad was a flaming narcissistic and sent my mom away. My brother ran away. My life was never the easiest and at times I thought so hard on running from my problems but. My problems started shifting, my mom still is iffy around me. My brother is back and my father has no one. Life has changed alot Shoji. Yours can too, if you let it." Shoto patted the multlimbed boy.

"You don't fear me?" He asked Cross all of his arms. "No, friends don't fear their friends." Shoto stood up "now come on. I was once like you, all you need is some fun and you'll be happy in no time."

"Why are you doing this?" Asked the blue masked boy. "I see myself in you. The type to shove others away. Timid under the surface, will you accept me as a friend?" Shoto asked placing his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe we're not so different. I guess I could give it a try. After all I am a town misfit." Mezo's mouth limb spoke.

"Than I too shall be a misfit."

"Sorry to interrupt and but in but can I be in it too?" Kirishima asked stopping when he saw Mezo and Shoto talking. "The more the merrier" the multicolor haired boy nodded. "What's your story?" Asked the shorter boy with heterochromic eyes.

"Bullied as a child and looked up to Crimson Riot. Even vowed to be like him. I changed my everything to be different. But to fit in. To feel needed. I still couldn't do it. I almost skipped out on UA, it was my first choice but I was scared I wouldn't be able to master my quirk. Finally after some time I happened to do extra training. My life dedicated to making myself feel comforted by my idol." Kirishima shrugged "and here I am now, Bakugou and Deku are always at each other's throats. So there's that." Shoto nodded "well, now you have a new group of friends. Misfits at that, we are weird to the eye but that doesn't stop us." Shoto encouraged looking at the pointy teethed boy and the multlimbed boy.

Frosted Flames (Second Book To Achromatic Butterflies)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang