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Carter and I argued, it was never serious and never too long though. I remember one time he dated this girl by the name of August. She came to live with us for a while. She was such a strict clean freak. Everything used to have to be a certain way in the house. Funny that she came into the house meeting us there and she decided to run us. She hated how I did things.

One time a note was left on the fridge telling me to clean my stuff. Of course I felt upset about it. I asked Carter about it and he defended his girlfriend. I got angry with Carter. He was probably the only one in the world I was comfortable showing my anger to. I was so angry as well. A part of me was completely jealous of her. I wanted what I couldn't have.

Of course this was Carter though. He was the kindest soul in the world. The same night he apologized and he dumped her. He realized what was important in his life.

The lesson stuck with him.

That was Carter's way.

"She came for Mali and Anita!"

The boy, Adrian had entered the room. I'll never forget the way his face looked. He was crying. He was sweating. His entire body seemed to be flushed with the most unconcealed fear. It was a face that would haunt me for many years. Lilith was managing to turn the supposed "predators" into the prey. They were sitting here shaking in their boots like young school children, afraid of the shadows.

There was an outrage outside the doors. I could see Roxanne running and bolting the doors after she let him in. She was right. It was important to keep the chaos outside. There was no telling what scared and angry vampires were capable of doing.

"Jesus Christ," Caesarian stated, "Not Mali and Anita. I have to go."

"No, Caesarian, it sounds crazy out there," I stated, trying to grab for his arm, "You should probably stay here..."

He seemed surprised that I showed concern. It seemed like every time I showed any type of emotion, he was somewhat surprised. Maybe it was because he had more of the vampire livelihood in him. All he could feel was those ideas of almost an animal. The basic instinct of survival was what seemed to control the older ones.

"You don't understand, Mali and Anita are important," Caesarian stated, "Jesus Christ...the Darkest is really carrying out with her plan isn't she?"

He was shaking his head as he left the room. He left Adrian there. Roxanne walked over to Adrian bringing him a glass of water from the jug we had sitting on our empty table.

We had all been pretty much cramped in this room for several days now. Caesarian had spent the days thinking about how we would get to this guy named Belial. He never said anything about his plans or even who Belial was, but he pretty much spent so much time thinking and planning.

"Sorry, the water we have isn't very cold," Roxanne stated, "We hate going out of this room. It seems like there's nothing but chaos in this estate."

She crossed her arms and leaned over the side of the bed.

David looked down at Adrian who still seemed rather shaken up, "She's going to kill us all isn't she? She is going to kill us all one at a time."

"How did it happen?" Arie asked Adrian.

Adrian shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Go ahead," Arie pressed him, taking several steps towards him, "I think it's important for us to know. If all vampires are going to die in the same way, then it's important for us to know how we are going to die."

"She came for them the same way she came for Emporio!" Adrian shouted as though pissed off that Arie was asking him.


The Vampire Adamantine MxM (Staten Crown)Where stories live. Discover now