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David lead the way downstairs. He gave me looks, but he didn't give Giovanni any. I guess I figured he would be like that. He would blame it all on me. His beloved couldn't do anything wrong. I didn't care though, right now I was concerned with Lilith.

I guess I was in denial. I was afraid of her. I could say everything in the world, but I was afraid of her because I was in love with Arie.

Arie had returned to the warehouse and was now posted in the very front against the dusty windows. Him and Roxanne had their eyes perched outside the windows and they were frantically looking outside.

When Arie saw me, it was as though he dropped all his guard. He ran over to me and he hugged me. I could remember the hug even now. It was strong and embracing. It was a hug that said more than any words could say. He finished hugging me and stared at me with these warm eyes. It was like his eyes were digging through me...trying to plant something in me.

"She came for me, baby," he stated, "This is it?"

Giovanni ran to the window. He seemed to be confirming that it was definitely Lilith out on the street corner. Roxanne backed away from the window as David took her spot, wiping it down even more.

"She's just standing there," Giovanni stated.

"She's waiting for me," Arie stated, "She wants me to come out and offer myself to her. "

"Fuck that idea," I stated.

I looked at Arie. He was trying to seem cool but I could tell he was nervous. He was staring at the floor and then staring at me. It was the face of a dead man in some ways. It was almost like he was trying to get one last look at me before he died.

Arie smiled up at me, "Thanks man..."

I didn't understand it. His smile was so beautiful but it was so weird. I didn't like it! I didn't like it one bit, you understand? Imagine the love of your life just acting weird all of a sudden. His eyes weren't there all the way anymore.

"For what? What are you talking about Arie," I panicked, "Stop looking at me like that. What the hell are you staring at me like that for?"

"I want to thank you for showing me what true love is," he explained, his voice getting low but his smile getting wider, "Like I'm going to die in love, you know?"

Roxanne put her arm on me, "Let him get it out, Adam. It may be the last words he ever says."

"Bullshit. How do you guys know she came for him? How the hell do you know THAT!"

"Her eyes are staring at him," Giovanni stated looking back, "It's weird. If he moves, her eyes follows him. It's like she can see through the walls. She is staring exactly at him."

All of a sudden I started to cry.

"NO! This can't be it."

I could see everyone turn to me, but I didn't care. I was so emotional. I ran over to Arie and grabbed him. I didn't want to ever let him go. I could feel my arms cusp around him as tight as I possibly could. I wouldn't let Arie die so easily. I could feel his heart against mine. There was nothing ever so pure, you know? You would think we were human children instead of bloody vampires.

At first Arie didn't hug me back, but then I could feel the teardrops against my forehead. The drops were so tender. They were so wet.

"She just took a step forward," David stated, anxiously, "Oh fuck man. Arie, man, this is some bullshit. You're like a brother. Can't we do something?"

Roxanne shook her head, "I wish Decadence were here. She'd know what to do."

I had expected her to say something smart, because she had been pretending this whole time to play the role of the new leader, but she was just as lost as the rest of us were. She was looking crossing her hands and just letting this fucking genocide play out.

The Vampire Adamantine MxM (Staten Crown)Where stories live. Discover now