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Even though he ran a long distance, The Lord was not out of breath no no signs of breathing difficulties.

"I'm glad I was not too late."


Soon he turned and looked at Devarus.

Devarus' eyes, who look at me and the Lord alternately, shook finely. Soon, he closed his mouth and leaned his head down. Even the bitterness came out of the distorted look. However, the gaze of the Lord looking at such a devarus was unsatisfactory.

It was time when Devarus, who couldn't say a word within a short time, turned around and tried to escape the room. The Lord called him up.


Devarus stopped his steps, as the Lord called out, and stood back at out with his drooping back unpleasantly. It was shabby enough to get my attention.

However, I was the only one who thought so.

A voice colder than the ice flowed from the Lord's mouth . It wasn't the voice of a father for his son.

It was a voice that the hard-trained hound dog was condemning that it couldn't do its job properly.

"I was disappointed with you."

Devarus' shoulders trembled at his words. The fist I was struggling with lost strength and drooped.

However, he left the room without saying any excuses or excuses. The servants who rolled their feet from behind followed him.

It was due to the light scent of Devarus' face. The scar on the immaculate cheek was red. It was when I was worried about the afterimage. As he looked around with cool eyes, he began to order what to do.

"Call the priests of Lerotia."


"I can't believe assassins can break into the Castle."

He muttered on his own and quickly shut his mouth. Then he asked me with a very different expression.

"Are you injured?"

"I'm... I'm fine."

"thank God."

After that, his big hand was put on my head. Then, as if trying to comfort me, he was careful to touch my head slowly. It was like a sheep handing out the ice from a glass of ice, a delicate gesture.

In that state, a heavy question flowed from his silent mouth.

"You must be surprised."

"uh.. it's not."

I think Devarus is more surprised than me.

But I couldn't spit it out, and I shut up. My hands were sweating cold.

It was time to rub it into the lip of your mouth. He looked at him on such a day and said, looking at Jian, who was pale looking at us.

"You must be surprised to see me."


"You have to change where you sleep. Tell the butler to ask for a bedroom on the fifth floor of the castle."

"huh? uh.., yes?!"

At the end of Jian's words, the question was young. It was the same with me.

That's why the fifth floor of the castle was one of the deepest in the Ardellos mansion. To a certain extent, even the devarus, the only master of the family, was not allowed to enter without the permission of the Lord.

Tamed The ML's FatherWhere stories live. Discover now