A Battle

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Andrew POV

Yesterday i told Belfast that i was gonna send one of my "Associates" to help with Enterprise. But really? I'm just showing up without my suit. When i arrive i knock on the door and i heard someone walking to open it.

Belfast: *opens the door* Oh? Who might you be?

Andrew: Hey Batman told me to be here?

She looks at me for a moment then smiles.

Belfast: Come in.

I walk inside and get myself breakfast since i got up early.

Enterprise: What exactly are we doing here?

Andrew: Breakfast.

She looks at me in confusion.

Andrew: An important meal of the day, like lunch and Dinner.

Then Belfast gives her tea which she tries to deny but Belfast insisted.

Enterprise: I prefer coffee.

Belfast: Coffee is a wonderful beverage, but too much can hurt your stomach. Especially if your stomach is empty.

Enterprise: I've had plenty to eat.

She then holds up a protein bar.

Andrew: Still not food.

Enterprise: Hm.

Belfast: Regardless, Enterprise, you will improve your way of living. Running on a strict and regular schedule is key to leading an elegant life. 

Enterprise: Why are you interfering in my life? What are you thinking?

Belfast: Not just me, him too.

She then turns to me.

Enterprise: And who is he exactly.

Andrew: Andrew Mcginnis I'm one of Batman's associates.

Belfast: *smile at Andy* I want to witness something.

Enterprise: And that is?

Belfast: A human soul hidden inside you.

She smiles while i few minutes ago i finished my breakfast.

Enterprise: I don't get it.

Andrew: You will.

Belfast: Anyways, Andrew care to tell us about yourself?

Andrew: Like everyone else I grew up in Azur Lane, i'm an engineer.

Belfast: What do you make?

Andrew: Gadgets, tools, basically anything that is helpful.

Enterprise: How did you come across the Batman.

Andrew: We had an agreement, i would be his eyes and ears when he needed me.

Enterprise: Do you know his identity.

I sat back at the question.

Andrew: Yes.

Belfast: Then why not just say?

Andrew: He has his reasons why he hides behind a mask. Anyway, should we go take a look around?

Belfast smiles and agrees with the idea and we go out by the beach. To look at the girls that we saved yesterday.

Enterprise: They started a business.

She said that with her eyes widened.

Belfast: They're resilience is quite exemplary.

Then one of the girls gives Enterprise food and I just space out what my life could of been. Then after a bit they had to leave for duty so i ave them bye, walk away to my cave, suit up, and monitor the conversation they're having along with some others.

Dark Knight Of The Seas (Batman Beyond x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now