Batman Takes A Break

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Belfast POV

I make my way to Enterprise's room but I hear someone knock on the door to the place and smile as I know who is knocking, I open the door to see Andrew.

Belfast: Good morning, Andrew.

Andrew: Good morning to you Belfast.

I let him in and ask him to wait in the cafeteria as I go wake Enterprise up.

Andrew POV

I sit there thinking to myself, how long can I keep this up? Ever since my parents died all those years ago I called myself, Vengeance, or The Batman. I killed some ships, who I consider people. Then I think back to what Belfast said about me, as Batman.


Enterprise: You're afraid if he goes out there he'll lose.

Belfast: No, I think he wants to lose.

--Flashback Ends--

I was leaning my back against a wall and watching it fill with other Ships (People) then to my right I see Belfast and Enterprise.

Andrew: Might I suggest breakfast?

Belfast giggles and smiles at my suggestion. I got my breakfast but Nevada serves a bit too much on Enterprise's plate. Belfast was just standing by.

Enterprise: Isn't that too much?

Andrew: At least someone noticed.

Nevada: Don't be modest. I owe you one for helping Oklahoma. 

She smiles at her and Enterprise gets some Hellos here and there. I follow her to a table, while getting some curious looks from some Ships (People). We sit and I sit across from her.

Enterprise: Belfast, why don't you take a seat too?

Belfast: I have my duties as a maid.

Enterprise: I can't finish this by myself, even with him.

Andrew: I hope you weren't planning on feeding me.

Enterprise's cheeks go red while looking at me.

Andrew: Relax! I was kidding.

She calms down as Belfast giggles. 

Belfast: In that case, I will join you.

--Small Time Skip--

After breakfast we walk around the place I got to meet some new People. Enterprise got some Hi's from other ships while walking around. Until Cleveland calls to Enterprise.

Cleveland: Hey! Enterprise!

She waves at us and I walk beside Enterprise. 

Cleveland: I never introduced my sisters, right? Come on, say hi.

Columbia: I'm Columbia, second ship in the Cleveland Class. Nice to meet you!

Montpelier: I am Montpelier, the third ship. Thank you for assisting my sister.

Denver: I'm Denver, number four! honored to meet a hero!

If only she knew.

Enterprise: Thanks, nice to meet you all. 

Cleveland: I'm proud of my little sisters!

Montpelier: No, I'm nothing compared to you.

Denver: You're number one Cleveland!

Cleveland: C-come on, I told you, stop saying stuff like that!

Andrew: Interesting bunch I'd say.

Dark Knight Of The Seas (Batman Beyond x Azur Lane)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora