The Dark Knight Rises

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Andrew POV

We all head back to the HQ and we are looking at a picture. I'm with them in my suit since I didn't see the point in disappearing again.

Cleveland: What is this...?

Q. Elizabeth: It has to be a Siren attack, obviously.

Cleveland: But why did they hit a remote uninhabited Island? 

Q. Elizabeth: To taunt us perhaps? They underestimate us.

Hood: But, Your Majesty, this situation is dire. If they use this to strike the base...

Hornet: Kaboom! We won't stand a chance.

Sheffy: I'm not sure if this is related in any way, but a few hours before the island vaporized, a huge, unknown vessel departed from Sakura Empire.

Edinburgh: Sheffy, this ship...

Sheffield: Yes, it matches the characteristics of the ship we saw beneath Sakura Empire. 

Hood: This is Orochi... what an enormous ship... 

Enterprise: No. We haven't done anything. We haven't accomplished anything. This Starts now. We're going to crush whatever it is the sirens are plotting.

I look at them also but have something on my mind. In order for this to work, Batman must fall. But the man underneath, will live.

Belfast: This is not an issue for just us Azur Lane. The Orochi is a threat to all of humanity.

Q. Elizabeth: I've already pulled some strings. We always cleanse off an humiliation we receive. That is the Royal Navy way.

Hornet: And the Eagle Union way is Payback. 

Enterprise: We must fight... One more time.

Belfast notices me not saying anything.

Belfast: Something on your mind Batman?

Batman: I think this is where the Batman dies.

Belfast: What?!

Everyone else looks at me with shocked faces.

Batman: Which means my tale is ending. But my story will never end.

Hornet: Why do you always have to be so confusing?! Where are you going?!

Batman: To continue the story.

--Time Skip--

I'm on Enterprise's ship and standing next to my Bat-Mobile and typing on my gauntlet doing a system check until Belfast comes to talk to me.

Belfast: You're not coming back are you?

Batman: *stops typing for a moment*  Probably not.

Belfast: For your sake I hope that Batman dies but the Man doesn't.

I turn around to look at her.

Belfast: Ever since you showed yourself and put your life on the line, I wished you'd never put on the suit in the first place.

Batman: Why?

Belfast: So you could move on, have a life. Away from all this. Someone like you is driven to do all this. So every time you weren't fighting I had a fantasy that while you were on Azur Lane, in your civilian life. While performing one of my duties I'd see you sitting on a table in a restaurant with a Girlfriend.

Batman: Remember when you said that you think I want to lose?

Belfast nods at my question.

Batman: Ever since my Parents died on that island I fought to stop others from dying. But you're right. 

Dark Knight Of The Seas (Batman Beyond x Azur Lane)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon