Looking In A Mirror

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Andrew POV

I didn't even bother to come to the Dorm Rooms I just sat at home thinking. Until I got a call saying for me to come over to HQ and that it is important.

Andrew: I can't escape it can I...

I get up and head on over to their HQ and into a classroom where some other ships are there.

Hornet: Glad you could make it.

Langley: We could use your help with this.

They step aside to reveal the cube. So I pull back the sleeves on my jacket.

Andrew: Let's see what I can do.

So I begin to perform all my tests to at least figure something out about it.

--Time Skip--

Hornet: How's your day?

Andrew: It's been Interesting, why?

Hornet: I figured I'd at least start a normal conversation while you're working.

Andrew: Fair enough.

A few moments pass then she starts talking.

Hornet: People say you know Batman. Do you know who he is?

Andrew: Mhm.

Hornet: Why not just tell.

Andrew: It's not about who he is underneath, but what he does that defines him.

Hornet: Nice quote.

Andrew: Thanks.

Then the doors open to reveal Wales and Cleveland. 

Wales: Did you learn anything?

Blonde Girl: Nothing yet we've been helping Andrew out. Other than that we're totally stumped. 

Langley: We don't know anything about Mental Cubes in the first place.

Ark Royal: A Literal Black Box, I see.

Andrew:  I have an educated guess based on my tests.

Cleveland then looks at the cube.

Cleveland: Is the glow getting stronger?

Wales: This item is related to the Sirens. We should assume it's a bad sign.

Hornet: if the Sirens are messing with my sister, I won't let them get away with it. How is she doing?

Belfast: She is concerned. 

Hornet: Why does she have to suffer alone...?

Wales: Andrew what is your theory.

Andrew: As far as I can tell it's glow grew ever since Enterprise touched it, if I'm right. This thing could be collecting Data.

Hornet: About what?

Andrew: That part I don't know.

We stare at it for a bit until the green haired one shouts. And I close my eyes in disappointment. 

Wales: Akagi was the one principally allied with the Sirens. With Akagi gone, I worry about how Kaga will act. 

Then the green haired one complains again. Man sometimes I think some of the Girls are not, "Fit For Duty."

--Next Day--

Again I'm sitting near the fireplace, sometimes I don't sleep but just think.

Andrew: Guess I better go to the Dorm Rooms this time.

I go to the dorm rooms and open the door only to find Belfast dragging Enterprise by the tie.

Andrew: What did I miss?

Northampton: I'm just as confused as you are pal...

I turn the corner and look at Enterprise and Belfast sitting across from each other.

Andrew: I've never seen Belfast like this before...

Belfast: *sighs* If you had a decent meal, you would not be so preoccupied with negative thoughts. As I mentioned before you do not favor fighting. 

Enterprise: Yes. I think I might be afraid of the ocean.

Belfast: But you still keep fighting. Why is that?

Enterprise: That's because... fighting is the purpose of my existence. 

Belfast: Stop falling back on easy answers. You already know the correct answer. You simply have lost track of it.

Then something blows up.

Andrew: What.

Enterprise: What was that?!

I run out of the building and my suit forms around me and I rocket into the sky.

Batman: Let's go chrome dome. 

I fly in pursuit and my Bat-Mobile comes and I get in and chase the Siren.

Batman: Come on...

I reach Mach 1 breaking the sound barrier and me and Belfast fire at the Siren getting a direct hit. But then it's revealed that she;s still standing, then portals open and more sirens come out.

Batman: Bat-mobile. Engage.

I eject and help out any way possible then Enterprise comes along and helps out. So I fly by her.

Enterprise: Sorry I couldn't make it in time.

Batman: Enterprise why do we fall?

She stares at me confused.

Batman: So e can learn to pick ourselves back up.

She smiles and we head over to the Siren.

Enterprise/Batman: Siren!

Purifier: Ooh, It's Enterprise and Batman!

Enterprise fires her bow while I throw an explosive Batarang. And we wait. But she flies out completely fine. 

Purifier: Okay, now it's fun! But too bad, gotta go! I'll be waiting for you on the final stage!

Then she fires blindly everywhere, hitting her own ships then she teleports away.

Enterprise: She got away.

I put my hand on her shoulder to assure her that it's okay, then Belfast speaks.

Belfast: You are always here for us when we are in danger. Including Batman

She smiles at us.

Enterprise: You take far too many risks for someone who lectured against that.

Belfast: I feel as though I am protected by 2 Knights in shining armor.

Enterprise: Spare me. That's not my style.

This is something that will most likely get me killed. If this is how it all ends...

Let the Dark Knight Rise.

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