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Andrew POV

Right now more than a Dozen ships take off into the oceans. So I suit up, start up the Bat-Mobile and head on with them. I land on Cleveland's ship eject and glide while looking at the arsenal the ships have.

Cleveland: Batman!

I look at Cleveland while Hornet comes along as well.

Batman: Cleveland. Hornet.

Cleveland: Little sisters i'm sure you've heard of Batman, nicknamed, The Dark Knight Of The Seas. What brings you here anyway?

Batman: I don't know. I guess I just wanted to check something without knowing what it is. I gotta get going.

I walk to my vehicle and get inside.

Hornet: Batman.

Batman: Yes?

Hornet: Thanks for helping me out the other day.

Batman: Just doing my job.

The hatch closes and I take off into the air.

--Small Time Skip--

A while later the whole fleet gets caught in a storm. Then a bright red energy goes active in the sky after it stops the scenery changes, but we're all still on the ocean. I open the hatch and stand.

Batman: What the....

Then I see portals opening with Sirens coming out. then others start noticing too. Then, it starts. The Sirens attack and then Azur Lane starts fighting back. I look over the battle field to see how I could help. Then people start to fight one another so I dive towards the ocean. My glider wings come out and I glide to help, and I notice that Enterprise is going for Kaga.

Batman: Round 2...

So I fire up my rocket boosters on my feet and fly but mid way I notice Belfast is out gunned. But my distraction got Enterprise hit so I dive to catch up to her.

Batman: Not again not again....

She hits the water so i activate the Re-breather in my helmet and go in the water as well. I make it to her but her eyes glow. 

Batman: What.

I know something is gonna happen so I rocket out of the water and I'm flying still in the air looking at Enterprise flying, then she shoots Kaga in the chest, which causes her to fall. So my car comes and I get in and look at Belfast.

Batman: Get in!

She immediately gets in my car and the hatch closes.

Belfast: What's going on?

Batman: Enterprise, isn't exactly herself right now. 

When the scenery changes back I open the hatch and look at Enterprise aiming at Akagi.

Batman: Ugh...

I eject and rocket towards them as fast as I can.


But I was too late, Enterprise shot Akagi in the chest, so I look at Enterprise and she looks at me in shock.

Enterprise: I understand now... I'm afraid of the ocean...

She sheds a tear so I just embrace her in a hug.

Belfast POV

After a while icebergs and snow formed and I was still in Batman's car.

Belfast: Enterprise...

I close the hatch to the vehicle and pilot it.

Belfast: This is a new experience.

I hear explosions so I pilot the vehicle towards the explosions to find Javelin and Laffey against Ayanami. But they refuse to fight, Ayanami? She fights. So I get out and rescue javelin. 

Belfast: Are you alright?

Javelin: Let us depart. it is not safe here.

After I rescue them I pilot Batman's vehicle with Laffey and Javelin following to my left and right.

Belfast: Are you concerned about that Sakura Empire girl?

Javelin: You saw.

Belfast: Yes. I apologize for being late to come help you.

Javelin: Um... Aren't you mad at us?

Belfast: Excuse me?

Javelin: Ayanami is our enemy... But we really don't want to fight her. But we don't know what to do...

Belfast: You should continue to dwell on this.

Javelin: Huh?

Belfast: Keep thinking. We cannot let the situation continue to make our decisions for us. Our powers must not be taken so lightly. We were created to fight, not to destroy.

They both agree and we see a ship sink into the water.

Belfast: This area is especially dangerous. Please try to regroup with the fleet as quickly as possible. 

Javelin: What about you?

Belfast: I must find Enterprise. I'm a maid. Being at her side is my duty.

Javelin and Laffey offer to help me and I couldn't stop them so I take a look at the different controls in this Vehicle, I make an educated guess on one and find out it's tracking Batman's suit.

Belfast: Batman...

Andrew POV

Her eyes began to glow yellow again and I'm standing front of her. Until I hear Zuikaku shout.

Zuikaku: grey Ghost, Dark Knight!

I turn around and step aside from Enterprise's sight and fighter planes comes and fire on Zuikaku and her Sister, Shoukaku. but, I can tell Enterprise is trying to kill them.

Batman: Enterprise! Snap out of it!

I wave my hand in front of her face but I see them about to get hit and so I make a decision.

Batman: Forgive me...

I rocket towards them and fire my wrist mounted Grappling hook around them and pull them towards me.

Zuikaku/Shoukaku: Batman?!

Batman: This is gonna hurt. 

The force of the explosion sends us into an Iceberg. It knocks the sisters out but not me so I just set them down gently. But Enterprise sends in another fighter plane to kill them so I prepare a Batarang but Ayanami comes and slices the plane causing it to explode, and make her fall. That's when Enterprise snaps out of it. Then Javelin and Laffey rescue Ayanami while she's falling.

Batman: Looks like... it turned out to be an interesting afternoon...

I look at Enterprise who's on her hands and knees looking down and she spots me, so I just stare.

Batman: What have you become Enterprise?

Dark Knight Of The Seas (Batman Beyond x Azur Lane)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt