Chapter 3

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"Ahhhh it's that time of day.".

A week has passed since I got my ranking removed so it is now given back to me. I get up and get ready to leave the room. Today's a day off from training so I have a free day to visit someone or have it to myself. I brush my teeth, get freshened up, and dress in a suit. I put some cologne on and get ready to leave. As soon as I was about to walk out Logan began to stir from his slumber.

"Hey Haruto why you leaving so early? it's 6 in the morning...", Logan asks still rubbing his eyes. The others in the room were still asleep, me and Logan were the only ones up.

"Uhh you know... I have to go do something...", I respond.

"Oh it's her again? huh?", He says giving an all knowing look.

"Yea it is I'll be back around 7 or 8", I reply.

"Alright~", He says as he drifts back to sleep.

I quickly grab an umbrella and head out. It was raining really hard. The underground cities had recreated an ecosystem underground to help simulate the outside. It was an idea to help keep people "sane" from being separated from the outside world. It was about a 30 minute drive to get to my desired location. It was a day of grieving.

"Misaki Kei, October 12th, 2089 - february 8th 2104,".

"I'm sorry Misaki. We couldn't even enjoy the stars like you had planned to. I don't understand why you disappeared or where you went but, I hope you're doing well, enjoy your time up there. See you.", I said. I then set down a bouquet of roses by her grave and began to take my leave. I walked out of the graveyard and back into the car. I then begun to drive back camp. It's too bad I will never get to see Misaki again. It is now 7:28.

30 Minutes Later

I park the car and make my way to the entrance of the base. The base was right near the entrance of the tunnel into the underground city. We had to be prepared to get out and fight. It was 8:10 by the time everyone else has awoken. I decided to take my free day off training. Our new anti alien personnel weaponry consists of this body armor for when we have to engage them without the aircraft. It has this bluish energy shield that could protect us from the alien's weaponry for a while. This new type of armor allows us to breathe in space without a helmet. The aircraft we have developed has 2 wings and a pointy head (much like your average fighter jet but fitted for space and new weaponry). This new type of build of aircraft allowed us to go at blazing speeds and combat with the aliens. We had also developed a new laser weapon. It can produce light at such a high lux on a target it will set it on fire or burn through it. It is a highly concentrated laser beam (like a laser pointer). We also have developed a new type of missile fitted to battle in space. It can go up to speeds of 30,000 mph and can lock onto targets. A new armor piercing shell has been created as well. It is like bullets but made for penetrating the enemy ships and suited for space battle. So I decided that doing some combat drills would be for the best. I get into the virtual reality machine and quickly go into a simulated world.

"Mission: destroy all enemy personnel before they reach earth.", The header said. I quickly made way in the ship. The aircraft invented to fight aliens were way better than the fighter jets we had back then.

20 Minutes Later

"Attention all ground units report to base for debriefing, we are set to be commissioned for battle at 6:00 with the extra terrestrials. Repeat, all ground units report to base for debriefing,we are set to be commissioned for battle at 6:00 with the extra terrestrial.", the intercom relays.

I get out of the simulation machine and start to head down to the tent where we are to be debriefed on the mission at hand. After debriefing, it was already 10pm. I decided to call it a day and go to sleep so I will be prepared for the battle tomorrow morning. We will be invading the aliens for the first time, our first counter attack.

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