After Story

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"Hey Akana!!", My friend calls for me.

"Hi Isabelle!!", I yell back. We then run towards each other into a hug.

"You ready for school?", She asks.

"Yup!", My dad got me a new backpack!", I say showing it off.

"Oh cool!! Isn't that hello kitty??", She says excited.

"Yes it is!!!", I reply. We both giggle and talk about how our summer was. It was the beginning of second grade for the both of us.


"Well Isabelle I have to go to the roll call line, I'll see you later kay?", I tell her.

"Okay!!! Promise?!", She replies.

"Promise.", I say giving a reassuring nod. We both then head our separate ways to our own roll call line.

"Okay class, tomorrow is show and tell day so be sure to bring whatever you want to show to class! Make sure to tell your parents to come if they can.", My teacher tells the class. We all then silently nod or say "okayyy".

"Now that's everyone's settled down let's begin our lesson for today!!", The teacher begins to say as she writes down the math questions on the whiteboard.

"Okay uhhh Akana! Why don't you come solve this one!", She says.

"Okay!!!", I quickly get up and run over.

"Hmmmmm... 2 x 8 issss... 16!!!", I mumble to myself. I then write it on the board.

"Good job Akana!!", My teacher praises, "Now class give Akana a round of applause!!", she says. I couldn't help but smile as the whole class cheer for me. The day goes on normally. Our daily lesson, recess, lunch, and time to go home.

"Hey!!! Akana!!", I hear Isabelle yell across the campus. When we were dismissed from school we all walk out the front gate to walk home or to be picked up.

"Hey Isabelle!", I yell back. We run to each other and wrap each other in another warm embrace. After we met up we began to skip home together. The walk home isn't far but it sure can feel like it alone! So walking one day I met Isabelle walking home on the other side of the street.

"Bye bye Akana!!",

"Bye bye Isabelle!!", I say as we part ways. Her house would come up before mine whenever we walked home. I then skipped home alone. As I near my house I began to slow it down to a walk to get to the door.

"I'm back!!", I call out.

"Welcome back!!", I hear my mom call back in the kitchen.

"How was school..?", I hear my dad say from the living room.

"It was good! Tomorrow is show and tell and can you two pleaseee come?", I ask.

"Uhhhh, yea I could make it.", I hear my dad say.

"How about you mom?", I say tugging on her apron.

"O-okay honey we'll be there.", She says.

"Yayyy!!", I exclaim. "Well I'm gonna go in my room now bye bye!!", I say to my parents.

"Bye bye!", I hear them say simultaneously. I then go into my room and lay on my bed. I get up and begin to play with my toys. While playing I slowly begin to get more tired until... I fall asleep!

The Next Morning:

"Akana!! wake up it's time for school!", I hear my mom call. I get up from my bed and run into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Wait- how did I even end up on the bed?

"Akana!! Where are you hurry!!", I hear my mom call.

"Coming!!", I say as I run over.

"There you are!!", as my mom picks me up and begins to plant kisses on my cheeks.

"Ewww mom let me go!!", I say chuckling.

"Alright let's go now." I hear my dad say at the front door.

"Okay honey! Lets go Akana.", My mom says with a smile.

"Daddy's gonna drive you to school today okay?", Dad tells me.

"What about Isabelle?", I say with a pout.

"Uhhhh, we'll pick her up."' he replies.

"Okay.", I say with a smile. The car begins to go We are now on our way to school. I look out the window and see Isabelle.

"Dad stop! Isabelle is right there!!", I say.

"Okay I'll pull over.", He says as his car stops and parks on the side of the road. I open my window and call for Isabelle to come in.

"Thank you for the ride!!", Isabelle says.

"No problem.", My dad says.

"Awhhh your both so cuteeeee!!", My mom says pinching both of our cheeks.

"Owww mom!!!", I exclaim.

"Alright we are at school!! you got what you need for show and tell Akana?", My dad asks.

"Yuuup!!", I reply.


"Awhh man we didn't get to play Isabelle.", I say sadly.

"It's fine we can play at recess!", she replies.

"Okay bye bye!!", I say.

"Bye bye!!", she replies. We then walk our separate ways and are off to class.

"Mom!! Dad!! This way!!", I say in-between them holding both their hands. My class wasn't too far so I didn't have to deal with dragging them along any more. As soon as we stepped in I told them where to go and sat at my desk. The parents were set to gather in the back of the classroom.

As kid after kid presented, before I knew it, it was my turn! I walk to the front of the room and face the crowd.

"Hi everyone?", I say as I tilt my head and smile.

"Awhhhhhhh...", I hear the parents say. I look over and see my mom taking all sorts of pictures.

"Today for show and tell I brought my daddy!!", I explain. I then go into the crowd and drag my dad to the front.

"Akana what are you doing?!?", He whispers to me.

"You're what I decided to show and tell about in class today dad!", I tell him.

"Okay okay.", He replies. I take him to a seat in front of the classroom and begin my show and tell.

"So my dad is who I chose to show and tell for today!! He has many cool stories and souvenirs to tell me. He is very busy at times though... sometimes he would have to go to work for somethings... But that doesn't mean he isn't the best dad!! I love him so much!!", I begin to tell.

"Awhhh she's so cute.", I hear from one of the parents.

"And what's the most cool of all is the thing he can do!!".

"Akana I can't do that here!!", My dad says.

"Please dadddd.", I say giving my best puppy eyes.

"F-fine-", he replies. He then begins to unroll his sleeves and show his arms to the crowd as he begins to focus.

*Deep inhale*

*Deep exhale*

The whole class was quiet. You could hear the breathing of my dad only. Then out of nowhere he does a loud grunt and does something that amazes the crowd.

"His veins... They are blue!!!", One kid says.

"Woahhh!! look at his eye!!", Another says.

"Your dad is awesome Akana!!", A third says.

"Wow!! Mr. Takashi I never knew you could do that!!", I hear my teacher say.

"Thank you thank you...", My dad says. I couldn't help but be proud of my dad. After all he was the one to save us from living underground forever!

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