Chapter 8

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Haruto Pov:

"H-Haruto...", Logan?!?! I could hear you!! Please respond!! Logan!!!

"W-What are *cough* y-you?", I hear him say.

Logan?! It's me!! please save me!! I'm begging you!! I run around. There nothing. It's pitch black, top to bottom. I am lost in this dark room. I need help... I can't get out of here!!!



Save me...

Misaki Pov:

My vision. It's suddenly dyed red... What had happened..? It was so quick... I couldn't even see what happened... I lay there on the floor looking up at the scene in front of me. Why am I covered in blood..?

"Ahh shit... You've done it now Haruto...", I hear someone say. The man in front of me... what had happened?

Logan Pov:

Please god... give me the power to save at least one person... I've already lost my best friend to the dark abyss of hell. He's gone now... So please lend me the power so I could make it on time!!!!


"Ahh shit... You've done it now Haruto...", I say. I look back to see if I succeeded in protecting someone.

"I'm sorry you h-had to see this..." *COUGH COUGH*, Blood begins to violently spill out my mouth.

"I'm coming to help you!!", The girl on the floor says as she makes her way to me.

"STOP... Please don't come any clo-" *COUGH*

"Shit Haruto you got me good alright...", My vision is getting blurry. I'm not gonna be alive much longer. I look back once again. The girl, she is frozen in place, scared for her own life she steps back. I look into the eyes of Haruto to see blank eyes staring back at me...

Haruto Pov:

"Ahh shit... You've done it now Haruto...", I hear Logan say.

"Logan?!?!?", I call out for him.

"Can you hear me?!?? Please somebody get me out of here...", I could feel the tears begin to fill my eyes once again. Please I need someone to save me from this nightmare...

"Wait a minute... I could feel again!! I'm regaining consciousness!!", Yes the moment I have been waiting for. I could finally save all my friends from the aliens! My vision is coming back!



My eyes widen... I look at him. The face of a comrade I know so well... impaled by my arm...

"You got to be joking right..?", I feel a smile begin to crawl up my face (Not a happy one like someone had lost there mind). N-no it can't be... Logan... Why are is my arm... through you?!??

"Hehe *COUGH* h-hey Haruto...",

"L-logan?!?".M-man it seems you finally had come too... You lost your *COUGH* m-mind for a moment there.", He tells me. I pull my arm out and gently set him down. I feel the tears begin to water down.

"W-W-What happened?!?!",

"You went rogue... I have no *COUGH* c-clue what you took but you turned into a monster.", He replied.


"You may have the potential to use their blood to help you.".

*Flashback end*

Ah yes I remember this. There's no way I actually did that... I then look at my arm, there has been a puncture hole left where I injected myself. So I did go rogue. The wanting of revenge and power to destroy the enemy blinded me from the truth of my actions. I had ended up killing Logan and many others for my selfish needs...

*COUGH* "H-hey H-Haruto... I'm sorry..."

"No don't be Logan... I'm the one who should be sorry...", I say... The tears now falling without hesitation. It was like a dam being broken down, a constant flowing stream that never ends.

"Hehe... That's funny Haruto... If I hadn't ignored you and tried to talk to you *COUGH* t-those past 2 weeks I could've save you from this fate...", He says

"N-no Logan it wasn't your fault... It's mine... I should've talked to you before this incident... I'm sorry...", I say to deny him. NO! He can't die now... He wouldn't dare. Not now not ever. He can't die. It's my fault, I was so caught up in myself that I didn't want to talk to anyone, even my best friend.

"Haha... Your too nice",

"L-logan...", My tears begin to fall from my face as if it were raining. His eyes staring blankly back at mine...

I feel it once again...

That same feeling as when I had lost Misaki...

That same tight feeling in my chest...

"H-Hey Logan... Wake up man... Nows not the time you die...", I barely manage to utter out. There's a pain in my throat . Tear after tear fall down onto his suit. I quickly close his eyes and stand up. My forearm covering my eyes, tears running down, my snot filled nose I couldn't help but sob. My best friend since I've been moved to the underground cities, KILLED by my own hand. Every time I would cut him off he tries to interact with me, that's until becoming my friend. After I had accepted him the painful truth of the world began to go numb. From time to time I would forget about the painful past I own. He was there for me when I needed it, there for me when I had saw Misaki, he even became friends with a loser like me. I'm horrible. I want to die. I stand there sobbing, the sad thoughts clouding my mind, but I then feel a warm embrace I haven't felt in a long time. I turn around to see...


"H-haruto~", She says embracing me from behind. I could feel her tremble as well... She has been crying to. Why was she crying?

"You know I'm supposed to be the one crying", I say chuckling a little before the tears run down once again.

"H-Haruto..." She wasn't crying for herself. She was crying with me.

"That's something new *Sniffle* from that selfish bastard...", I respond. He really was selfish in the end. Dying without my say if he could die or not. He really was a selfish bastard in the end. I will miss him, my best friend has saved me from the fate of being gunned down and the love of my life. He died right before I could ever repay back the debt I am so buried in now. I hate it, this feeling.

"Fuck man!! Why'd you have to go up and die!!", I yell in anger. I couldn't help but cry harder. The one person who has seen me through bad and times, killed. But worst of all... They were killed... By me... How could this had happen? Why? It's the cruel fate this world has to offer. The agonizing of death, the sad times you sustain, the pain of enduring depression and hardships alone, that is just the cruel way this world works. The way all Life works, Life, Reproduction, Death, and it repeats. It's awful.

"GO GO GO!!", I hear far away. It's the attack force. They had finally made it. I'm standing there still Misaki hugging me from behind. I turn around to face her to hold her near. All the lights on their laser guns pointed at us. We stay there embracing each other until the very end...



"I won't lose you ever again.",

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