Chapter 7

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3 Days After the First Battle

Haruto Pov:

"I don't know we can't see it-",



"Just another nightmare...". I get up out of bed and wash my face. Just another day... I get up out of bed and sit in the bathroom. As memories of the day we led our first attack on the aliens, my whole team was wiped out. One after another, died right before my eyes. The screams over the intercoms were horrifying. As I sat there on the floor I felt the tears begin to flow. They don't stop. They continue to fall. I hate them, those damn alien bastards. Because of them I have to go through more deaths than I should've. First Misaki and now my crew. I'll kill them, those damn Aliens.

I hear the door begin to creak, I look over to hear Logan. "H-haruto..?", He asks. After a few seconds passed I composed myself enough to reply.


"Yo uh Haruto... haha.. uhh you good..?"

"Yea I feel amazing." I tell him, I glimpse towards the door to see Logan have a frightened expression written all over his face.

40 Minutes Later

I got out the bathroom after I calmed down and decided I needed some alone time. I could still feel the anger coursing through my body so I decided to go walk around the track alone. Maybe that'll cool me down. 

As I'm walking I suddenly get a text message from my doctor at the research building.

*Ding* The message read Hey Haruto! I'm wondering if you were busy with anything today because I'd like you to pay a visit to the research facility, we have some important things to talk to you about.

"Welp, now I've gotta go to the research facility.", I say to myself with an eyeroll. 

"Hi My name is Haruto and I have an appointment with Doctor Lao" I say to the recoptionist.

"Hmmm... Haruto... Haruto... Haruto..." She mumbled to herself looking for my name.

"Aha! Found you. Okay just have a seat in the waiting room, doctor Lao will come get you soon." She told me.

"Ahhhh there you are captain!", One says.

"Please don't call me that, call me Haruto.", I reply

"Okay uhhh... Haruto, we have intel to tell you about your dagger after the aliens had kidnap you.",

"Well do tell.", I respond.

"So the blood left on your daggers has tested to have nearly the same compounds as a human's blood.", He explains.

"Go on..?",

"And the blood that matches most with the aliens is yours Haruto. You may have the potential to use there blood to help you.", He says.

"Pfftt- Sure doc, like I'll ever use those bastard's blood for-",

"Haruto it contains high levels of GH and IGF-1.", He interrupts.

"Uhhh what exactly do those do again..?",

"Haruto, You may have the ability to posses super human capabilities no ones ever reached before. Just like the aliens you may be able to possess some of their physical attributes. Although we haven't finished testing the blood, we just wanted to let you know, you'll HAVE to come here every other day from now on so we can run some experiments.", He explains to me.

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