Chapter 5

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Haruto's Dream


"Enemy projectile locked onto your vehicle"



"OH SHIT.... it was just a dream.", I get up and go get ready for the day. I brush my teeth and wash my face.




I grit my teeth and my eyes squint. These nightmares haunted me everyday since the battle. It's as if they were trying to tell me something.

"All of those people, DIED on my orders... All because I didn't detect the enemy... They all died in vain... No it wasn't my fault... They died because of them...", I remember vividly. The memories of that battle. I never noticed that lives were this special until mine was in danger. Ever since that incident I expected casualties. But never had thought of the fear of death. I am afraid of dying. What kind of human am I? A horrible one. I should've never had joined the attack force... these thoughts clouded my mind. Next thing I knew was on the bathroom floor, knees curled to my chest, bawling my eyes out. It was all my fault they died huh? No... Like I said earlier... It isn't mine... It's the aliens fault...

Logan Pov:

*YaAaaAAaaWwN~* "Welp, I'm up.", I get up and start on my way to the bathroom. I see it is already being used by someone so I walk back to bed but as soon as I lay down in the silence I hear crying coming from the batrhroom.

*Sob...* *Sob...* *Sob...*

Hmm... who's crying..? I put my ear to the door. I try to listen to who it is.

The only words I can make out was, "No... It wasn't my fault... They died because of them...", It was a faint mumble but I swore I heard it.

"H-haruto..?", I question. It took a few seconds until...

"Y-yea..?", He responds. The door was slightly open. Not wide enough to see his face but wide enough too hear him clearly.

"Yo uh Haruto... haha.. uhh you good..?", I ask...

"Yea I feel amazing.", he replies. He then opens it all the way and walks out. His face... it was...







I could feel the bad blood in the air. He gave off a different vibe. He wasn't his usual happy self. He wasn't giving off a sad vibe either. He had the crazed joker smile as if someone had lost their mind. It was something I've never seen him do before. It was as if he had some sort of murderous intention...

2 Weeks Later

*YaAAaaAaAWwwWwnnN~* I get up and look around. Haruto was out of his bed. I get up and freshen up a little. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Haruto still was the same. That same expressionless face. Every other day for the past 2 weeks he'd go to the science building and has "tests" done on him. I never pried my way into what he was doing so I just figured he'll come around on his own and we can talk about it some other time. Haruto has been ignoring everyone, and if we did get to talk to him, they were usually one word responses or a response that would end the conversation.

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