Random facts about Children

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Credit goes to factinate.com, and factretriver.com.

1. Babies/kids can laugh up to 300 times per day.

2. Kids actually develop from the inside out. (So muscle groups and other systems in the body, then physiological systems)

3. Children seem to develop best when they have constant contact with at least three supportive and loving adults throughout the child's life.

4. Language is the most difficult thing a child must learn in their early development.

5. In early 20th century America, infants wore long gowns that caused them to trip easily when crawling, so babies would roll or crab on their backs.

6. Parents who speak to their baby often tend to know 300 more words than their peers by the age of two.

7. If a baby's body was able to grow at the same time as their brain, the average child would way 170 pounds at one month old.

8. Just after birth, babies only see black and white, and some shades of grey, as the baby gets older, babies will start to begin to develop their color vision.

9.  By the age of six, the avaerage child has a vocabulary of 13,000 words.

10. A baby's eyes are 75% of adult size.

11. About 90% of kids are right handed, the U.S have more left handed children than other cultures.

12. Children who spend more time outside are less likely to become myopic. (Nearsighted)

13. The first five, especially the first three years of a child's life is the most important. They shape the development, the brain's organization, and the idea's of functionality.

14. Children can't remember much until the age of three.

15. Flavor preferences learned in infancy can last for years.

So I've been having trouble finding subjects to do facts one, since only one person gives me suggestions. So this is why I have to publish a draft I was going to delete. But anyway I hope you liked them still and found them interesting.


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