Chapter 5: Voss retaliates

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(inside Scott industries NZ tower, the room was now trashed and look like a swamp a bit)

Zara: Ryan, where are you

Blue panther: I'm back, Zara. And I got the antidote with me! This cross species virus is history.

Zara: it's from Nelson? I don't know

Blue panther: despite what you think, Nelson wouldn't let anything happen to you. Neither do we.

( the trio crept slowly from the ceiling as they perform many stealth take-down but as they enter to another room, one of the guards turn on the generator.)

Gekko: hey there, just passing it through

(the trio fight the guards and Gekko destroyed the generator which disable the force field. The trio kept on running as they fight of the guard using combat and stealth take-down. As they made it to the next floor, an elevator falls down.)

Blue panther: what was that!?

Zara: mission accomplished

Blue panther: what are you talking about?

Zara: the elevator is out of service, permanently.

Blue panther: you took the whole elevator down? That a little bit of overload isn't it.

Zara: relax, I'll tell them you did it

( the trio keep on sneaking undetected via air vent)

Security voice: attention, night mask had breached the facility. Please be aware of them.

( as they head into the tight air platform and creature tail just appeared out of nowhere and tried to grab them but they managed to get rid of it)

Gekko: hey get your own airduct

(they finally made it to the top floor where they confront the Scorpion mutant but later been shooed by heavily armed guards. The trio fight of the guard and managed to take them down using Blue panther combo and Gekko strength. They quickly headed into the quarantine ward using the route they have passed during the first rampage. They finally made it into the quarantine which was now trashed and swamped. The trio quickly headed to the sealed quarantine door were they meet Zara and the other scientist through the window.)

Blue panther: wish this could be a lot more easier... But we did it

(he handed the serum to Zara via slot)

Zara: I knew you would

Dr. Voss: Night mask, the prodigal heroes return and what this?

Zara: a cure to the infection

Dr. Voss: ah...

Blue panther: excuse me, with all due respect, have you ever heard the expression "ladies first"? The serum should be used on-

Dr. Voss: so Nelson started this whole nightmarish phenomena and he later redeemed himself with this half-baked concoction. Amazing, he would try to steal Scott industries NZ under me.

Zara: Dr. Voss

Dr. Voss: I'll never let you became his Hamster pet, Ms. Kendall. My beautiful Zara. Who know the serum would do? If anyone would risk it, it shall be me.

(blue panther banged the glass window)

Blue panther: no!

Dr. Voss: if it work, we'll study it and design it at Scott industries NZ. Not some insane asylum, Sewer and pest. So without further delay.

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