Chapter 7: Outbreak and Breakouts

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(Inside the bank of New Zealand interior Queen's street, the trio were looking at the man being terrorised by Midnight woman, Eryn Lacy)

Eryn: if you keep stalling, something bad might happen. I'm certified crazy, you know

Man: I'm not stalling.... I swear

Eryn: why can you have a nice normal safe where I can break into? I won't ask you again: The codes

Man: OK, OK, I'll do it. I'll give you the codes just, don't kill me

(a masked man goes to Eryn to alert her)

Masked man: hey boss, we have cops surrounding the place. There's no way out

Eryn: don't sweat, I know there's an escape plan

(soon, a voice can be heard from outside the bank. It's the police)

Police officer: we know you're in there, Eryn. You and your goons just come out, nice and easy.

Eryn: I see my reputation preceeds me. Dad would be proud of me. You! Come with me

( she grabbed the man and take him to the safe on a gunpoint as the thugs guard the lobby floor. The trio make an surprise attack by dropping the chandelier, causing the thugs to knocked out as they split up. Falconette and Gekko took care of the balcony while Blue panther took care the ground floor. As they thugs were finally subdued, they headed to the entrance of the safe where one of the police officer were surrounded by a lot of thugs. They managed to knock them out ur again by using some combo moves.)

Police officer: hey, you three are good in my books

Gekko: thanks, by the way

( they walked up to him and unlock the cuffs)

Blue panther: I need to find the director. Can you help us get to the vaults

Police officer: I can, maybe you can get into the vaults from the air duct on his office but you need to get clearance from the control room. Enter 0610 in the console to open up the door.

Blue panther: thanks

(they headed to the control room and enter the code that he said. Suddenly, two of the thugs appears.)

Blue panther: let's see.... this shall do the trick

Thug: hey you, don't move a muscle. Come with me

Blue panther: Ho we're supposed to follow you. We didn't move a muscle

(later, the ceiling glass broken as ropes were dropped and SWAT team arrived from the above. The thugs instantly surrender as they kneel on the ground)

Gekko: what the!?

SWAT officer 1: Go! Go! Go!

SWAT officer 2: move it! move it! move it!

SWAT officer 1: all stations clear

SWAT officer 2: on the ground, NOW!

SWAT officer 1: hands where I can see them

SWAT officer 2: all clear

SWAT officer 1: we got this, you may proceed

Blue panther: we don't want them to think we're with them

SWAT officer 1: does anyone have an eyes on Lacy

Blue panther: in that form-fitting outfit, it's hard to not to

SWAT officer 2: go on, I DARE you to move

Thugs: look, look, we surrender, surrender, okay

(as the officers apprehend them, they continue to walk and headed to the vault using the air duct on the director offices. As they enter the air duct, they can hear the thugs having a conversation)

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