Chapter 6: Trio to rescue

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( at Scott industries NZ biolabs facility, the trio were watching the guards on the lobby)

Blue panther: we've got to get through the door and give it to Zara. Hope she's alright.

Guard 1: is everything okay down there

Guard 2: of course is it. What do you think we are?

Guard 3: I don't think we hear a noise down there. It's because we're talking about how fat to your mom is. Get back to your post

( Blue panther and Gekko sneak on the ceiling to perform a stealth take-down on them while Falconette take care of the guards in the ground level. After the guard were subdued, the trio made it to the control room and turn on the computer to reveal many scientists were trapped at the room with may robot sentries)

Blue panther: time's running out. Hey folks, night mask here. We have an antidote to the infection and you'll gonna be alright. Just hold on a little while longer

Scientist: thank God. You don't know what we've gone through

(he pondered a second)

Blue panther: Zara... Where are you?

( he turned back to the computer)

Blue panther: everything gonna be fine. But I need to find Zara Kendall. Where is she?

Scientist: she ran away... But we don't know where

Blue panther: okay, we coming for you guys. Hold on!

( the scientists nodded as they turned off the computer)

Blue panther: we'll have more answer once we get into the lab

( the trio then move forward through the lobby and to the elevator chamber where the underground elevator goes down and the column emerges and keep the chamber stable. The trio managed to get the force field disabled and there's a lot of guards, robots and turrets. They destroy the turret then split up to disable the lock generator. Blue panther firstly fight off the robot and the guards using his combo moves and special agility before destroying the generator which disable the column as it goes down.)

Blue panther: one lock down, two to go

(meanwhile Gekko, fight off the guard and robots by throwing heavy object at them and stun them before he does a signature moves and disable the second column generator)

Gekko: okay, that's two down

(Falconette now fight the enemies using feather and avoid them by flying before making a signature attack on them. After the guards knocked out, she disabled the third generator which finally allowed the elevator to emerge from below)

Falconette: oh yeah, thanks for the tour. That's very educational. Now let see what more attraction you offered

( the trio exit the control room as they gather into the elevator. The door of the elevator closes down and the elevator closes down. The trio avoid the floor which was being electrified whilst destroying the generator that created it while retreating to the wall gain to avoid the electric shock. After all generator was destroyed, the elevator finally stops. They exited the elevator via air vent)

Gekko: we want our money back on that ride

(They stealthily moved to the ceiling as they saw many guards having conversations while performing a stealth take-down one by one each but some of them that gonna have to fight them as they almost reached to the secured area where they're using combat skill which knocks them out. The trio split up again and destroy the generator which opens the door to the secured area. They gather up again and headed to the secured where they have to avoid laser beam and destroy turrets and also have to girl through the elevator shaft again where they have to destroy the generator just as the same as the first one they rode. Afterwards, the arrived to the contamination area where the scientists were trapped there. )

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