Old Wounds

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Whilst everyone else was sleeping Wilhelm was training, and he was spinning his blades with such fury and speed Jaune who was going to take another night shift asked him a question.

Jaune:"Where'd you learn to do that?"

Wilhelm:"Beat saber."

Jaune:"Huh... Never thought you'd get combat skills from a VR game."

Wilhelm:"Me neither. I played it so much when I was little."

Jaune:"Well. It's my turn now to take watch."

Wilhelm:"Stay safe, I need to get some *Yawns* sleep."

Jaune simply nodded at him, and Wilhelm went to sleep leaning on a tree... He went back into a world of nightmares... Screaming... Crying... Gunfire... Death surrounded him as he stood on the front lines. Everyone else was dead but him...

Wilhelm:"I thought they all ran!"

Cinder:"Well you thought wrong."

Wilhelm:"This isn't real."

Cinder:"Is it?"


Cinder:"With pleasure."

She spoke as he felt the arrow hit him in the chest. Ruby and Wilhelm woke up at the same time gasping.



They both held onto each other, and they both were crying... Ever since Beacon the nightmares were getting worse for Wilhelm, and the nightmares started for Ruby... 

Wilhelm:"I'll get...... Everyone up."

Ruby:"I'll get your equipment."

Wilhelm went around shaking everyone gently by their shoulder for them to get up.

Wilhelm:"Come on guys, we gotta get up and moving."

Nora:"Mm... Five more minutes."

Nora immediately snored again right after saying that... Ren and Wilhelm looked at each other and shook their heads. Judging... Level 100...

Timeskip, brought to you by a Chibi Ruby riding on top of a much friendlier SCP-682

As everyone was walking together, Wilhelm was walking alongside Nora, whilst Ruby was reading the map.

Ruby:"... We're lost." 

Wilhelm:"The map is sideways Ruby."

Ruby:"OH! Right! Heeheehee."

Wilhelm and Ren facepalmed at the same time.

Jaune:"Oh be quiet you two! The next town is Shion! My family and I used to visit it all the time!"

Ruby:"Don't you have like 4 sisters?"

Jaune:"uhhhh. Seven.. Actually."

Nora:"Y'know it actually explains a lot."

Wilhelm:"A whole lot..."

Jaune:".... Wait what do you mean?"

Ruby:"SOOOOO... What did you guys do there?"

Wilhelm:"The fact he had 7 sisters? Gosh dang, explains why he is so flamboyant."

Nora:*Snickering* "I know right?"

Wilhelm was still chuckling until he looked ahead and ran to the front of the group and held his arm to Jaune's and Ruby's chest.

Ruby:"What is it?"

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