Resilient Heroes

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Edward:"Weiss, you're sure about this?"


Edward:"Okay then."

Edward and Weiss crossed their rapiers with one another and started to summon a Glyph, Edward's was of course a bit darker than Weiss's. Nevertheless they both were combining their powers and it required much focus, a sword was forming and coming out of the joint glyph, until Whitley came in and interrupted the training.

Whitley:"Hello Edward, Sister."

Weiss:" *Sighs* "Leave."

Whitley:"How hurtful, and here I am about to offer you a favor. Father's taking me into town to introduce me to some of his business partners. I thought I'd see if you wanted me to pick up anything since you're... Well... Stuck here... With your boyfriend..." 

Weiss:"Are you jealous? Is that it?"

Whitley:"Whatever do you mean?"

Weiss:"Is that why you hate me? Are you jealous of my abilities? Of Edward's? Of Winter's?"

Whitley:"Of Winter's? Mm... No not really. Honestly I find it barbaric. It's beneath people like me. Like father. What could a single huntsman do that an army cannot?"

Edward:"Kick a ton of ass with little to no casualties."

Whitley glared at Edward for a second, Edward stared back intimidating Whitley. 

Weiss:"... I said: Leave."

Whitley:"Fine, fine... I've got better things to do."

Edward: (Whispering to Weiss) "Like being a total brat."

Weiss: (Giggling)"Yep."

Whitley:"Enjoy your... Training.. However useless it is... What is your plan anyway? What do you even hope to accompli-"

Edward has his glyph slam the door shut. He sighed and laughed.

Edward:"Oh thank god..."

Weiss:"Finally, thank you!"

Edward:"Ready to try again?"

Weiss:"No, I'll do it on my own."

Edward:"Are you sure?"

Weiss:"I'm positive."

Edward:"Doesn't hurt to try one myself..."

They then stood side by side. Preparing to train once more. They seemed to be completely in sync while they placed the tip of their rapiers onto the floor, and a glyph, one dark, one light started... Without interruption, the swords started coming out of the ground, and the room started to shake. The books started falling off of the shelves, and a stand fell over. As the Glyph's started to grow brighter and bigger. Then a blinding light overtook the room as the glass window shattered. Edward and Weiss opened their eyes to see 2 knights far bigger than themselves kneeling, it looked just like the suit of armor Edward had in his family home. It was his ancestors armor. It looked like a knight straight out of Dark Souls. (Imagine a Lothric knight.) 

Weiss:"We have many similarities."

Edward:"We do, to be honest... Me, Paul, Connor, and Will are all anomalous. We're all not 'normal' humans where we came from. So maybe, we were meant for this world."

Weiss:"I think so, you belong here. With me."

Edward:"Well.. Yes. I do belong by your side."

They held hands as Klein ran in.

Klein:"Ms. Schnee are you alright!?"

Edward:"She's fine, especially with me around."

Weiss: *Giggles* "Klein... I need a favor."

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