Chapter 16- The words we dred

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Glad to see you continued!!!

Kate walks into the living room with her heart racing rapidly. She didn't know if it was due to the announcement she was about to make or if it was just the way all eyes were on her as she walked in.

Especially that if Willis, she could see all the rage in them. And the more she looked into them the more they pierced her heart knowing that she was about to do what she was about to do.

But her doubts and fears all go away the minute she looks at Fred. Those blue eyes always seemed to put her in her happy place.

All the negative thoughts that had flooded her mind disappears. The voices around her become clearer as her thoughts fade.

"Can we get on with it now mom?" Willis asks, interrupting her thoughts.

She turns to him, the impatience in him was clear, "Right, sorry," she replies softly as she walks over to Fred who slowly takes her hand into his.

"Hey, leave her the fuck alone!" Willis rants, his face slowly forming a reddish colour. He shoots a furious look at Fred.

Slowly, Fred withdraws his hand from Kate's with his gaze on the floor, clearly avoiding Willis's.

Kate stares into her son's eyes again as tears slowly filled her's.

She tries giving him a warm smile, a warm smile he returns with a heart-crushing glare.

What in the hell was she thinking? She couldn't do this. Giving this announcement was definitely going to take their problems to another level. But then again, what if it wasn't? What if everything was going to be ok and she was just overthinking everything?

All her thoughts made her more and more confused. She felt like she was going to explode if she didn't just let it all out.

She takes a shaky start, "Danielle, Willis, Fred and I...have an announcement to make," the slight resolution in her voice was enough to give away her insecurity.

She holds back for a moment before continuing, "Ok...umm, what we're about to tell you...this took months of thought and consideration, and believe me wasn't an easy decision."

"I don't see where this is going, mom," Willis says, trying to get her to stop beating around the bush. God, why can't she just come right out with it? What's really going on here? He thought.

Kate, seeing her son was still in confusion, slowly takes Fred's hands into her's once more and looks into his eyes.

"Stop letting him touch you! Leave her the hell alone!" Willis yells in fury.

At that, Late hesitantly reconnects her eyes to her son's, with her hand still firmly tight with Fred's.

Willis explodes, "I said you should let her go!!"

"Sweetie, it's ok," Kate assures him, but he certainly wasn't taking that.

"No! It's not!...What's going on?! Tell me what's going on!"

Kate could feel herself waver at her son's tone. He was already angry, she knew it. But what she also knew was that he had all the right to be, cause he certainly wasn't going to like what he was about to be told.

"Willis...all I'm asking for here is your full support."

"My full support on what?!" His tone causes a grave silence, it had convinced her that even if nothing had been said yet, this clearly wasn't going to end well.

She wanted to tell him, but holding back seemed like the better option. Cause the bomb she was about to drop, was going to scar their family for life. But then, she couldn't hold it in for much longer.

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