The Princess

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(This is just a filler chapter but I tried to make it interesting)
Hope's pov

I watched the t.v in front of me play Cinderella for the fifth time this week. The prince was going door to door looking for his long lost dance partner with her glass slipper. Even though I have seen this movie more times that I'd like to imagine, that scene does always make me smile.

I turned my head and watched the little girl next me. Her eyes where wide with exictement even though she has seen this movie more times than me.

She was currently going through her disney princess faze and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. I felt as if I was going through mine with her, since I never had the time to watch these movies as a kid.

Recently all Eri has been wanting to do is act, dress, and feel like a princess and I can't blame her, it seems magical.

Today was Friday, it was probably around eight or nine in the morning and my classmates just left for class. I couldn't go with them because I needed to heal from my injuries I got yesterday. No matter how much I begged, I was forced to stay. Although, it's not that bad of an agreement since I'll get to spend the majority of my day with Eri.

Today was supposed to be the day everyone showed off their special moves. Mr. Aizawa didn't say but apparently him and the teacher of class 1-B both had something up their sleeves planned for this event but since some of my other classmates also received some injuries yesterday. They decided to post-pone the showcase until Monday.

It seemed like the two teachers really wanted their students to be at their best for it.

I looked back down at Eri. Her wide smile never altered as the prince on the t.v began talking to the three evil step sisters.

"I wish I prince would look for me like that..." She mumbled. She must have not noticed she said that aloud because her eyes were still fixated on the screen.

I smiled down at her before I placed my hand on her head gently. She turned to me, but only after painfully ripping her eyes off the screen.

"How about we have a princess day today?"

I watched as her brain worked out what I just said. I could almost see the gears in her head turning.

She quickly jumped up on to her knees, still on the couch, bouncing happily. Her arms were raised above her head.

"You mean it, Hope!? A princess day!!"

Our smiles never left either of our faces and I nodded. I grabbed onto her hands, pulling them down from being held above her head and held them in mine

"Get dressed and meet me here in five"

She nodded quickly and jumped on the couch, unintentionally harshly pulling her hands from mine. She ran as fast as her legs could take her and her figure slowly dissappered in the hallway she ran into.

I looked down at my outfit, nothing special just leggings and a plain shirt. The same outfit I wore on the day I fought Bakugo expect now it was rid of the dirt and blood.

I guess I should pick up some clothes while I'm today.

The parents of the three boys who jumped me all gave me a hefty amount of money as an apology. Ofcourse, I wasn't too keen on taking it but All Might suggested I keep it for moments I may just want to spontaneously buy something. I guess I am thankful that I listened to him because now I can turn myself and Eri into magical disney princesses!

All Might also told me that my 'stunt' yesterday proved my dedication to become a hero. So he and Mr. Aizawa agreed that, not only, could I leave the dorms but I could also leave without a disguise since I'm no longer associated with being a villian.

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