part one

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it's not as easy as the media makes you think it is. in fact, fourty percent of people don't find them within a year of their birthday. for twenty percent of the world population, it takes two years, and five percent don't find their soulmate for ten years. only ten percent found their soulmates in the first year, and jeon jungkook was almost certain that he would not be in that percentile.

these statistics scared jungkook more than anything. he was only thirteen, and he knew he shouldn't worry about it, but fuck- what if he never found his soulmate? what if he was alone forever? what if he was part of the three percent that never found their soulmate?

after they learned about soulmates in school, in eighth grade, jungkook's classmates suddenly began to change. he did, too, it was a natural part of life. they all started to talk about soulmates: "do you think they'll like me?" "how should i do my hair on my birthday?" "where do you think my soulmate lives?"

soulmates were everywhere, and jungkook couldn't escape them.

it wasn't just the idea of not having a soulmate. it was also the idea of whether his soulmate would like him or not, and whether or not they were a girl.

that was one of jungkook's worst fears about the whole thing. he was gay, through and through, and to imagine having a girl as a soulmate was like imagining someone cutting off his dick. he figured that if the universe really decided to do him dirty like that, he would offer the girl the idea of being platonic soulmates, or in other words, he would friend-zone her. this was one thing that brought him comfort during his anxiety attacks.

jungkook was fourteen when he heard about polyamory. everyone knew about the people with multiple soulmates, in fact, one of them was from his own town! jungkook had grown up with him, had sleepovers at his house, shared lunches with him. the whole town knew chan, but they didn't know his eight soulmates. they didn't need to. the town shunned chan in repulsion. jungkook wondered where he was now.

jungkook wasn't repulsed by the idea of having multiple soulmates; in fact, that sounded almost good. aside from the obvious- living expenses, food, transportation- jungkook thought it sounded rather nice.

as time went on, and jungkook got ever closer to his sixteenth birthday, he made a list of the things he couldn't stop thinking about:

a girl soulmate

multiple soulmates (why do i want that?)

never meeting soulmate


despite only being 4 things, the intrusive thoughts occupied jungkook's mind all the time. even though it was the first week of school, his first boxing match was coming up, and the school talent show was right around the corner, he couldn't stop thinking.

oof i'm really bad at starting stories sorry

published august 12, 2020

476 words

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