part four

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jungkook peeled his eyes away from his phone. he hadn't felt anything on his leg, but it was almost eight o clock, so his soulmate might be awake by now. he looked down.


jungkook groaned. how could he get through a whole day like this? a week? a month? a year? how long would he have to wait?

he picked the sharpie up again.

'i'm jungkook'

'i'm sixteen'

'please please please answer me...'

he sighed, almost ready to cry out in frustration, but he was interrupted by the pitter patter of small feet in the hallway.

"jungkookie!!" yelled two young voices, throwing open his door.

"happy birthday!"


jin always woke up first. he always went to the kitchen and made breakfast, then woke up his sweet, beautiful soulmates.

today was no different: he woke up at about 7:30, sleepily went to the bathroom, then went to make breakfast. at 8:04, though, he felt a tingling on his thigh that made him look.

four lines of black ink rested on his leg.

he ran to the bedroom, only to find his soulmates awake, staring at their thighs.

"another one?" asked jimin.

original note: sksk i'm sorry it's short my writing is so bad right now but i love this story and i don't want to make it longer so you get short chapters i'm sorry 

new note: hey i actually updated on time for once! anyways, fun story: i've written up to chapter 24 for this story but i really don't like what i have so i'm gonna do some major rewriting once i get the time... school's been crazy, so that's annoying, but i'll find the time. um, also, i have three ideas for new stories so i might get writing there and maybe even publish one, who knows? anyways, stay tuned for next week and don't forget that i love you :))

published september 20, 2020

193 words 

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