III. The Meeting

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*HI! okay, I'm sorry for not uploading sooner but it was hard to put my thought in paper and then i wanted to check it to make sure it was okay. 

*This is the longest chapter so far and i hope you can enjoy it.

*I think there are no errors but if you find one please make sure to tell because english is not my native language and i'd like to improve it.

* I also want to tell that no matter how long it takes me to post another chapteri will do it and it will look good. Also this is just a hobby so don't come crying if i take too long.


- Grayson, why does father insist in finding imbeciles to bring here?

-You know, technically he didn't say he'd bring him here.

- C'mon Timmy, you know Bruce will bring him here at some point.

I guess he's right, but aren't we enough? I mean he can barely protect us at times and when he's not on patrol he's working. Maybe this new kid will end up killed too.

But why is he in Arkham? Did he kill somebody? Is he insane?

-Yikes! - Tim suddenly shouted, scaring the crap out of me and pulling me out of my thoughts.

- "tt" What is it Drake?

- This is the emptiest file I have ever seen, and even looking a little deeper the only thing that can be found is a photo, some of the medicines he takes and his actions during his sentenced time. Apparently nobody knows when he arrived at Arkham, he just appeared one day.

With that being said Tim pulled up a fairly new photo of what looked to be a teenager with death written skin and eyes toxic and livid yet dull and cold. You didn't have to know Bruce very well to know why he took interest in him, I mean, the kid had restraints in every possible place but according to the information he never causes any trouble at all.

-I'm going out.

- But today we were going to have a family dinner! Even Cass and Steph were going to come! Jay!

-Sorry golden boy got more important things to do.

I climbed into my motorcycle and started driving towards Arkham. I don't know why but I need to see this boy. I need to know why he has so many scars, why he gives off that vibe of death so familiar to me, why his expression is fiercely brave but deeply terrified of something at the same time. From the looks of it he also suffered some kind of neglecting, he is too thin to be healthy.

I had to stop my thinking when I found myself out of Hell's doors. I put on my helmet and went inside as Red Hood, Arkham's staff is not used to seeing me here so I guess I'll have to act more Batman like to get information. How did Bruce say he did this?

-Re...Red Hoo...d! Wha...What can I do for you?

If this wasn't something serious I would probably be laughing my ass off right now, I mean the receptionist looks totally terrified. I wish I had a camera!

-There's a kid here? – Wow! Really!?

-A...a kid? Sir you...you'll have t...to be more speci...cific

-A kid! I don't know how to be more specific! I just know Batman saw him around here a couple hours ago! - And there goes acting like Batman.

After that she started mumbling under her breath and I could barely catch something in between "The Peanut Gallery" and a "Phantom" or something like that. When she stopped that she motioned for me to follow her and we ended up in one of the many hallways.

The floor had a thick layer of dirt and the walls had scratches on it. The light above us was continuously flickering and the temperature here was almost the same as the artic, it gave off this vibe of abandoned and horror movie and the eerie laugh of the Joker that could be heard in the distance only made it creepier. At the end of the hallway was a single metallic cell door that was partially opened and had what appeared to be old stains of blood and something glowing green. The door, had an almost undistinguishable number 47. Inside, the light was very poor but you could make the silhouettes of some things, like the bed on the far corner with only a mattress and a bundle of something on top.

I tried stepping in but the lump on the bed moved to look at me and I found myself frozen in place with the worse-than-a-bat-glare he was giving me. After it apparently deemed me safe enough, he stopped glaring and returned to his original position.

-So... What's your name kid?

And all of a sudden ice covered every inch of the cell.

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