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...I promise next chapter is angst-free.

Yongsun had noticed how quickly the days passed in her short stay at the hospital. She hadn't even noticed that three full days had passed since she had last seen her parents, and she was ashamed to admit that she had barely thought of them.

Almost everyone in the hospital had this excited buzz over seeing their relatives after one or two weeks, the corridors were full of screaming children and happy teens conversing with one another.

And then there were the three musketeers and D'Artagnan, sitting all by themselves in Wheein and Yongsun's room, trying to tune out the commotion outside.

Wheein and Byulyi hated visiting day. They dreaded its arrival, and when it finally came, they just wanted to hide under the covers and sulk all day. It's understandable for them. They had no family. No one to visit them.

Wheein's grandma used to visit her when she was little, but she suddenly stopped coming and no one would tell her why. To this day, she still doesn't know.

Byulyi never had visits. Her aunt didn't care for her, all she wanted was to keep her parents' money, and the only way she could do that was to send Byul off somewhere. Byul knew she was completely on her own once she finally got discharged.

Hyejin hated to love visiting day. Confusing? I know. Hyejin's family came to visit her every single week. She loved Saturdays for that particular reason. Her family would come, often they brought some of her personal belongings, such as plushies, snowglobes (Hyejin secretly collects them) and fuzzy socks. But she also hated how sad her friends got these days. She hated how Wheein's never ending energy seemingly disappeared and she dragged herself around all day. Or how Byul didn't accompany her on her constant sex jokes, making everyone uncomfortable.

Yongsun didn't have a formed opinion about Saturdays, since she had never experienced one. But she could tell how much her roommate and her new friend detested this day.

Now there they were, at ten o'clock in the morning, their stomachs full, laying around and waiting for someone to call them, or knowing no one will.

Wheein and Hyejin were cuddling on Wheein's bed. Wheein had her eyes closed, using Hyejin's chest as a pillow, and the younger girl had an arm wrapped around her waist, hoping the embrace would bring her some comfort.

On the other bed were Yongsun and Byulyi, sitting side by side, each one reading her own book. Yongsun had gone to the library the previous day and picked up a new book: Paper Towns (Yongsun's not so secretly a sucker for romance). She had already devoured half of the book.

As for Byulyi, she continued what she had been reading for the past two days, a book about Greek mythology which caused Hyejin to mock her. Yongsun had lifted a brow when she first saw the book, but she could tell how passionate Byul was about the theme.

Dahee opened the door, surprising the four girls.

"Hyejin, Yongsun and Byulyi. Come on."

Yongsun looked at Byulyi confused, and she flashed her a bitter smile.

"My beloved psychiatrist believes I need to be able to see happy little families without freaking out." She explained, then turned to Wheein. "Are you gonna be okay here alone?" She asked. Wheein nodded and picked up the TV remote. She wasn't in the mood to read.

"You got this, Byul." She said, flashing her a sad smile. Byul simply nodded in return, a slight grimace present on her face.

Yongsun still wasn't sure why Byul was there, or how her family died. But she knew Byulyi blamed herself. She could tell by the weight on the girl's shoulders every time they so much as talked about family.

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