A Word From the Author

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Hello everyone. It's certainly been awhile since we've last interacted, hasn't it? For starters, I've been hard at work, writing new stories to share—with one of them being this one.

My original plan kind of fell through for this story. I did not want to share it with you guys, because it was only being written for my younger sisters for their birthdays coming up. They're obsessed with Minecraft if you should know.

But ultimately, my family and friends advised me to change my mind on posting this story. They told me it's worthy of sharing and is appropriate for all ages seeing that there is no adult content in it (obviously! It's based off a children's game.)

So here it is. I am still working on it of course. It was originally only intended to be eight (8) chapters long, but with all the ideas and lack of "adventure" in this story, I went back and did a lot of re-writing and made extraordinary changes I think revived my interest in writing this story.

If you all do like this story, and hopefully give feedback to help me improve my writing for future stories, maybe a series will become of it. After all, I do have another ten (10) Minecraft story ideas floating around (hint, hint.)

I will post the first four (4) chapters of the story. And if the story is liked by you all, I will post the remaining chapters in the coming days.

Again, feel free to leave your feedback in the comment sections below. Thank you all again for reading this story.

Minecraft: The First Epic AdventureDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora