Unexpected Turn of Events

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OasisVille, OverWorld

The skies weren't blue, and the sun didn't shine. Instead the skies were cloudy with the clouds glowing an eerie pinkish-red color.

The small houses were on fire, Henry's castle-style house was destroyed. The farms were gone, nothing growing on them. No carrots. No potatoes. Nothing. The Village was almost unrecognizable.

As Ceres and Daniel continued walking further into the Village, they soon came to their senses. Everyone they knew and cared about—was gone. The Village was vacant.

"What happened here?" Daniel asked Ceres as they both continued to take in the horrible sight of their destroyed home.

"I'll tell ya what happened," a familiar voice said from nearby.

Ceres and Daniel abruptly stopped walking. Daniel grabbed his iron sword out from his inventory and held it out in front of him.

"Who's there?" Daniel said as Ceres stepped behind Daniel and stood behind him.

"Is it a ghost?" Ceres asked, "they scare me to death."

"Really Ceres?" Daniel said, "a talking ghost? C'mon!"

"What?" Ceres responded, "aren't you scared of ghosts too?"

"Nothing scares me!" Daniel said.

The familiar voice turned out to be their friend Henry. He walked out from behind a burning house. He looked weak and defeated. Henry was clearly sad about something.

"Henry? Oh boy. I am glad to see you. What happened?" Daniel said as he examined the dead village around him. Smoke from the burning houses rose into the air.

"HeroBrine and his ratchet father EnderBrine attacked us in our sleep. We were unprepared. We tried putting up a fight—but as you can see—we lost," Henry responded.

"How is it that they're always one step ahead of us? First they attacked Merlin's home, and now our home? This is quite frustrating. They truly are trying to stop us from saving the OverWorld," Daniel questioned as he started to become angry.

"How are you the only survivor alive right now, Henry?" Daniel questioned as he started to become suspicious of Henry's story.

Henry started walking towards Daniel and Ceres slowly. Ceres and Daniel began backing away from Henry—slowly of course.

"I was the smartest of them all, Daniel," Henry said, "I went into hiding until the attack concluded."

"Leaving the others to fight for themselves?" Daniel said angrily.

"That's not how I thought of it. Everyone fought with nobility, Daniel!" Henry said as he was beginning to grow frustrated with the accusations Daniel was saying.

"But you remained in hiding, leaving my friends—no wait—our friends to die?"

"Well they didn't die for nothing, Daniel," Henry said, "they fought nobly until the very end."

Daniel and Ceres continued to back away, stopping as they came upon the remains of a house that once stood sturdy. They were now stuck. Henry was acting weird.

"Henry!" Daniel snapped angrily, "what has overcome you? You were never this way before. So why now?"

"I've been having a change of thought lately. Seeing a new perspective of this dying world. Ever wondered how I knew so much about Mineaggedon? Hmm?"

As he said that, both Ceres and Daniel gasped. They had realized something they failed to realize in the past. Henry, it turns out, is working alongside HeroBrine and EnderBrine.

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