Minecraft: The TakeOver First Chapter

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Kingdom of the Plains, OverWorld

"Stay quiet," Romeo, the towns Blacksmith, as he looked over his right shoulder, "the one thing we don't need right now, is for her guards to hear us."

The castle was made entirely of cobblestone. The only source of light in the Castle were faint redstone chandeliers, which were hanging from the curved ceiling. There were paintings hanging on the cobblestone walls of the Queen.

Wearing her casual red coat with fox fur wrapped around her neck. Her signature golden, pointy crown shined in the paintings.

Romeo was accompanied by four other villagers. Julian the dog breeder, Amelia the cat hoarder, Freddie the Warrior, and Hayley the Cartographer. Everyone was equipped with full iron armor, iron swords, and wooden shields. All necessary when it comes to defending themselves if anything were to go wrong.

The floor was made up of light oak wood planks, with gray and black carpet covering the center of the hallway floor. Hayley was holding a map in her hand, guiding the group throughout the castle. Earlier in the day, she had completed creating a map of layout of the castle.

"There's a hallway coming up on our left," Hayley said quietly, "go down this hallway here."

Romeo stopped walking, putting his back up against the cold, cobblestone corner wall. He peaked around the corner. There were two guards patrolling the castle.

"Two guards. Fully armored," Romeo whispered as he looked over to his right at Freddie. "Care to do the honors?"

They were equipped with Netherite Armor, the strongest armor known to blockheads. The armor was black. How they got that kind of rare and strong armor is a mystery. Before the group could move on, Freddie needed to take care of these guards.

"Put them to sleep Freddie," Romeo said as Freddie grabbed his crossbow out of his inventory. He also grabbed an arrow that was dipped in a sleeping potion.

He pulled the string on the crossbow back, and set the arrow onto the crossbow carefully.

"Wish me luck," Freddie said as he sighed.

He walked out into the open. The guards abruptly stopped in their tracks, staring at Freddie. Freddie gulped as he aimed his crossbow.

"Intruder!" The guard shouted, "stop right there! Don't move! You're coming with us!"

"I am?" Freddie said as he smiled. He lifted his crossbow up and aimed it at the guard on the right. "Sleepy time, buttheads!"

The arrow was launched from the crossbow, flying in a straight fashion. The arrow pierced the armor of the guard on the right. Pink bubbles began appearing around his body.

"I can see little puppies, Donnie," the guard said as he fell to the floor, fully asleep.

The left guard began running towards Freddie quickly. His Netherite sword was in his hand. Freddie reloaded his crossbow and aimed it at the incoming guard.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep," Freddie said as the arrow launched from the crossbow and hit the guard in the right arm. Again, pink bubbles started floating upwards from his body.

"You're a pretty kitty, aren't you?" The guard said as he collapsed to the floor. Freddie glanced over to the others, putting his crossbow away and taking his iron sword back out of his inventory.

Romeo peaked around the corner again to make sure the two guards were fully asleep. Freddie waved his arm, signaling that the coast was clear.

"C'mon," he said, "they won't sleep forever, you know!"

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