Escaping HeroBrine's Mansion

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Woodlands Biome, OverWorld
HeroBrine's Mansion

"Are we seriously going to fight our way free?" Petra said as she grabbed her enchanted golden sword out of her inventory, "speaking of escaping. Where is Ceres? He was with us when we were taken, wasn't he?"

"He'll find a way out. He's a wizard."

Suddenly the torches were blown out by a sudden gust of wind. The entire hallway went dark.

"What the heck?" Petra said, "what is going on?"

"HeroBrine," Daniel responded as he looked to his right.

Standing at the end of the darkened hallway, was HeroBrine. His pure white eyes glowed bright in the dark. Daniel nudged Petra and pointed down at HeroBrine.

"Look!" Daniel said, "he's behind this. Just stay close to me and we will be okay. He can't hurt us if he can't see us."

HeroBrine's head began to illuminate as an orange glow began to come into sight. It was another blockhead. But this one's head was on fire. His eyes were glowing a bright red.

Another blockhead came walking over to where HeroBrine was standing. This one had bright purple eyes. Purple particles were floating all around him.

"Who are they?" Daniel whispered.

Petra gulped as she stared at the three mystical and legendary beings.

"Daniel," Petra said in a shaky, unstable voice, "meet NetherBrine and EnderBrine. Or better known as the Brine Family. Notorious villains of the BlockVerse."

"You really thought we would let you leave this easily?" HeroBrine's haunting, demonic voice said from afar. "I hate to be the burden of bad news, but that's not how it works here."

"Then I guess we'll have to fight our way out then," Daniel said as he prepared himself for a fight. He turned his head to look at Petra. "When I say run, run!"

Daniel, as quietly as possible, reached into his inventory to grab out a distraction. He gently placed the block down on the floor a few blocks away from where he and Petra were standing. He grabbed his flint and steel and set the block aflame.

The block hissed once and began flashing white. It was shaking. "Run!"

He had placed TNT to disorient HeroBrine, NetherBrine, and EnderBrine so that he and Petra could escape. They began running as fast as they could for the only foreseeable way out of HeroBrine's Mansion.

The TNT detonated, sending everything around it aflame. The fire began spreading quickly. HeroBrine, NetherBrine, and EnderBrine all began chasing after Petra and Daniel.

"C'mon! We're almost there!" Daniel said to Petra. They were beginning to run out of breath as they became tired from running.

NetherBrine stopped running to tend the flames and put them out. EnderBrine clapped his hands together, spawning Enderman near the exit.

"Don't look them in the eyes!" Petra warned Daniel.

They easily ran around the Enderman without making any of them turn evil and start hurting them. The door was getting closer and closer. Escaping HeroBrine's Mansion was becoming more of a reality now.

"NetherBrine!" HeroBrine shouted. "Spawn Blaze! Spawn him now!"

NetherBrine looked away from the burning floor and down the hallway. Suddenly, two Blaze spawned. Their glowing, yellow rods were rotating around their bodies. The Blaze began shooting fireballs at Daniel and Petra.

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