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Plains Biome, OverWorld

Daniel and Petra were dragging EnderBrine over to the Nether Portal. Daniel held one arm, while Petra held the other. Carlily walked with HeroBrine over to the portal. She wasn't going to like seeing her son be banished, but it was the only thing the good guys could do to prevent them from starting another war.

Daniel and Petra threw EnderBrine onto the ground just two blocks in front of the Portal. Everyone surrounded the portal and EnderBrine. If he tried to flee, he wouldn't get very far.

"Get up EnderBrine!" Daniel said, "your fight is over. No more will you wreak havoc on the OverWorld!"

As EnderBrine got back up onto his feet, he looked at everyone surrounding him. Elderon landed right on the opposite side of the portal. EnderBrine smiled.

"Fine, fine," EnderBrine said, "you all win. I surrender!"

"Why would you do something to this extreme? Mineaggedon? Killing innocent blockheads? Why?" Petra asked.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you," EnderBrine said, "it's too complicated."

"Try us," Petra responded, "we're not as dumb as you thought we were!"

"I see that very clearly now. I failed. You succeeded. My plan was bound for failure from the beginning. I should've known this would happen," EnderBrine said as he looked back at the Nether Portal behind him.

"You should've never gone through with your plan. Knowing you would fail in the end," Daniel said.

EnderBrine looked away from the portal and gazed at everyone surrounding him. HeroBrine was standing next to his mother Carlily.

"You're a traitor to me and your brother!" EnderBrine said angrily, "you're the reason we failed! You're pathetic!"

"I know and I'm not offended by your mean comment. I did what I thought was right. You were in over your head. I will no longer bow down to you. And neither will anyone else standing here today!" HeroBrine said.

"I gave you everything! Power. A home. You name it, I gave it to you. You're really going to throw all of that away for these crazy blockheads?" EnderBrine asked.

"I've seen the positive side of everything. You only showed me the negative side of things. I was trained to be a demigod. But I don't want that anymore. I want to be good and do good things. And most of all, I want to be with my mother," HeroBrine said.

"Blah, blah, blah! That sounds stupid!" EnderBrine said.

After he had said that, Daniel and Petra had heard enough.

"Okay tough guy. Enough of your bickering! You're done!" Daniel said.

Petra and Daniel grabbed his arms and again dragged him closer to the portal. Before they tossed him into the portal, he said one last thing.

"This isn't the end. We'll meet again. I was only the first of what's to come. I've seen a vision into the future. By the looks of it, it doesn't look good. Take this as a warning! One of those visions involves Daniel and Petra. You have been warned!" EnderBrine said as Daniel and Petra tossed him into the nether portal.

Merlin broke the nether portal, instantly deactivating it. HeroBrine remained, only because Daniel and Petra heard that he wanted to become a good blockhead and help make the OverWorld a safer place. So he remained. The only one to be banished was EnderBrine.

"Now destroy any evidence of this nether portal, Merlin," Daniel said. "I don't want anyone getting the idea of bringing him back. We've dealt with enough these past few days."

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