Battle At Merlin's TreeHouse

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Jungle Biome, OverWorld
Merlin's Treehouse

"Hurry Elena," Merlin said as he frantically ran around the treehouse, gathering valuable potions, and spellbooks. "They're almost here! I can feel their presence growing."

Elena was digging in a chest over by the wall of bookshelves. The torches on the oak wood planked walls continued to burn. As she was digging around in the chest, throwing items out onto the pink colored jungle wood planks, a faint explosion was heard in the near distance.

Elena and Merlin froze. They looked out of the window to the south. The reflection of the flames starting to burn the towering jungle trees reflected in Merlin and Elena's eyes.

"We're out of time!" Merlin said. "I can stall them. But I won't be able to hold them off forever. Grab as many things as you can."

Merlin then walked out of the library room and into the room with a tree trunk in the center. The leaves in the room acted as a roof. He began climbing down the vines in a hurry.

"Merlin! Wait for me!" Elena shouted as she picked up the items off of the floor and put them into her inventory. Once all of the items were in her inventory, she ran into the other room. Quickly, without any hesitation, beginning her climb down the vines towards the grounds below. And oh boy was it a long way down.

"Of course Merlin had to pick the tallest tree. What a silly turtle he is!" Elena said to herself.

She looked down at the approaching ground. Merlin touched down onto the ground. He was now standing on top of some leaves, staring out into the near distance.

From about fifty blocks away NetherBrine, HeroBrine, and EnderBrine were approaching fast. They were walking in unison next to one another.

"Here comes my good old friend Frank the Ghast," NetherBrine said as he rose his arms into the air. A large Ghast began rising out of the ground slowly, screeching loudly. Once Frank the Ghast was flying in the air, NetherBrine stopped walking. His eyes turned black from their original red color.

"HeroBrine," EnderBrine said.

"Yes father?" HeroBrine said.

EnderBrine smiled evilly and laughed demonically. "Let's give them a light show, shall we?"

"With pleasure Father," HeroBrine said as he slowly lifted off of the ground and was now flying in midair. EnderBrine continued walking forward, waving his arms to the sides.

Doing so, he cleared all of the trees and obstructions out of the way. All that remained was the grass and a few leaves. The tall trees vanished into thin air. Panda's were running away. Monkey's were angered that their trees were destroyed.

They began throwing their poop at EnderBrine. In response, he clapped his hands together once. The monkeys vanished into thin air. White particles rose into the air after the monkeys disappeared.

"Create a distraction. I need time to cast this spell!" Merlin said as Elena looked at him. She could see the fear growing in his eyes.

"What spell is it?" Elena asked as she pulled out her crossbow from her inventory. She had a few poisonous arrows on hand. Elena was going to put those arrows to good use.

"Hey you there! Ugly!" Elena said as she began running away. EnderBrine didn't bother to take his eyes off Merlin.

Merlin was standing near the only entrance to his treehouse, holding an enchanted book in his left hand and a wand in his right hand.

"Goddess of the OverWorld. Give me strength," Merlin said before beginning to read the spell from his spell book. After he had kindly asked the Goddess to give him strength, an army of Iron Golems spawn before him.

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