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song: savages by MARINA


I'm in the office for what feels like hours.

Once in a while, I can hear Harry making small noises and talking from behind his office door, due to the overwhelming silence of the office space. Even though there was a fully operational bar and club filled with pounding music and dozens of people right on the other side of the wall, I couldn't hear a sound of it.

After Harry left me by the front desk, his harsh words still ringing in my ears, I decided I should at least try and figure out what he wanted me to do since I was fairly confident his threat to shoot me in the face wasn't a joke.

I started with booting up the seemingly ancient desktop computer and searching through it to find a program that would allow me to digitize whatever these papers had on them. After I found something I thought would work, I picked up the stack of papers closest to me and began sifting through them.

Just like back at my own survivor camp where I worked for The Chief, the messages on the papers were just a huge word jumble to me. Some of them seemed to be in some kind of code, some in regular English, and some were just symbols scattered around a page. Then, when I started searching for dates, I realized that every single piece of paper was out of order and had just been simply thrown about the room.

Fuck me sideways. This was going to take forever.

And it did.

I typed for hours.

At one point, I found myself desperately needing to use the bathroom. But the second I glanced back at the door and tried to picture myself knocking on it and asking him to help me, all I could picture next was the end of a gun.

Piss off, Harry.


So instead, I held it.

And finally, after I had organized the dates and typed up and what I guess is around one hundred different sheets, Harry suddenly came bursting out of his office door.

"We're leaving." He barked at me as he quickly strode past my desk.

"Oh-," I tried to say to him. "But I'm not done there's still so many papers to-,"

"No." He says, interrupting me abruptly with a scowl. "You'll do it tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Because like Louis so graciously told you, you're now some kind of fucking assistant."

And then he's dragging me along again.

He hurries me back through the bar and the main lobby the stores dump into, and then finally shoves me back into an elevator that starts to go back up.

I am really getting sick of all this dragging and shoving and pushing bullshit of his.

And while the elevator ride is both short and absolutely silent, I take a mental note of the buttons Harry has clicked and realized that we're going to the same floor as before.

Floor twenty-eight.

Harry's hands still refuse to leave my upper arm as he pulls out a single key from his front pocket and proceeds to unlock his apartment door before swinging it open.

"Oi!" I hear someone shout the second Harry yanks me inside, swiftly slamming the door behind us as if he's afraid I'm going to take off running that very second.

The second we both look up, our eyes connect with a topless woman perched upon a shirtless Niall.

"Jesus!" I shout, throwing my hands over my eyes.

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