Chapter 2- Dendrites

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I ran away from home. I told mom that I was supposed to play with V-hyung, but I am not. He would be furious to know that I slipped out of my room and would be even more furious if she finds out that I am not with V-hyung at all.

The skies started to shift from purple to dark indigo, and later turned into pitch black. The wind became freezing cold that I started to breathe misty air. I didn't bring my mittens and scarf and I could see my fingertips turning red under the pale, yellow night light.

The trees looked more melancholic now. Bare and bending, and gray. They aren't dead trees but they look so lifeless. The road that leads to the woods felt ghouly that it sent shivers down my spine. I started to walk faster.

I was supposed to meet this guy who calls himself "Slow Rabbit". He said he knows how we could go back to South Korea by Ferry. I really wanted to go back. Learning english from my father is somewhat difficult. I think he had too much expectations of me to do well in everything. It has become such a burden through time.

It was quarter past seven, I stood by the frozen lake. I wonder how it was possible to freeze so easily when it's still before winter solstice? It hasn't even snowed yet. We've been in this place for more or less a fortnight now and we still haven't seen another life. Unless we speak of fowls and fish, and occasional presence of a moose or a deer which we hunt to survive. And V-hyung who is... a non-existing friend of mine.

Yes, I lied to my mom about a boy who's a little older than me, who lives down the creek and plays games with me. Mom should have figured out by now that I was lying. If there's an internet or phone reception in this area, we wouldn't be stuck in here. Maybe that's why he keeps on insisting that I bring him home and play in my room instead of coming out to the woods.

I think, Slow Rabbit is not going to show up. It's too late to meet someone in here. Mom might have found out I wasn't in my room, and he's probably perturbed by now. I better head back before it gets too dark to see.

The cold made my feet felt heavy and numb. I was not wearing any warm boots. Soon, it had fallen dark, even the stars are barely in sight. I tried to look for the moon, it's on my left side now. Wait-- left?? I think I am lost now. I ran towards the south, I figured if I just kept on walking straight, I'd find the way out. But it seemed to me like the faster I run, the deeper i get into the forest. I am panting now, barely catching my breath. The cold makes it harder to inhale, it felt like it's going to freeze my nostrils. I rubbed my hands together, trying to make them somewhat warmer. I cupped them together and breathed warm air into it but it's no use. I flopped myself to the floor. Even the earth felt cold under my skin. I leaned back, with my hands resting onto the ground. I looked up. Tiny pellets of ice began to fall... "A graupel...?" It finally started to snow.

There are no leaves to protect me from the hoarfrost and there are no houses or any place to take shelter or gain heat from. I felt fear for the first time. As the snow begun to fall faster, my heart froze as well. What have I done? I felt the hot tears well from my eyes. I can't see anything clear now. I sobbed, hiccupping from too much crying. "Mooooom!" I yelled. I'm quivering now.

"Stop crying, your tears will make your face colder. Just stay still, it lessens the cold if you move less." a voice spoke behind me. I slowly turned, and a young lad stood under the arched tree.

He's tall and slim, and have such beautiful eyes. His furcoat was a little bigger for his body, he crouched down and enveloped me in his coat. He slipped his hands across my arm to back hug me as he put my hands on the inner pockets of his furcoat. His fingers were long and slender, and his nails were pink and glossy. I can feel his warm breath on my nape having this close to him. "This should help you warm up a bit. Let's stay calm until we find help." he gave a faint smile.

I looked at him closely and his eyes are golden brown; his lashes were thick and long and curved naturally upward; his nose, they are pretty and pointed like an Englishman's. And his lips were rather pale and a little bit cracked, perhaps, because of the cold, but it was gorgeous, along with his boxy smile. And his skin, they were like a feather, they felt light and soft to touch and white as a cotton or a cloud. And his hair is black as the night sky, a little wavy with a pretty mullet. For the first time in my life, I have seen someone equally, if not more, captivating human as my mom.

For the first time, I was out of words to describe such beauty. I was completely mesmerized. "I have never seen anyone who lives here before. Who are you?"

"Me...?" he raised his right eyebrow, and then laughed softly. "My name is--"

From not too far, I could hear faint rustling sound. I quickly stood up to see who that might be. "Hello? Is anybody there?"

"Jungkook! Jungkook is that you?" I know that voice! That's my mom!

"Mom! I'm here!" Soon, I see a glow stick moving by the snow-lain bushes. He quickly run to me and embraced me tightly. "Why are you here? What has gone through your head?!" He was mad and scared, I can see it in his eyes. "I'm sorry mom. I just..."

"It's okay. You're not hurt, are you? Don't apologize. What matters is you are safe. How are you staying up here for so long without getting cold? Are you not scared of being alone? Oh, my poor baby."

"I'm not alone... I'm with..." I looked back, and he was no longer there. All that's left is a single black feather from his coat, lying there in the white snow-covered soil.

He's gone but the warmth lingered. He's beautiful and mysterious, just like a stellar dendrite. A beautiful crystal snow.

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