Chapter 8- Conflagration

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April 3rd, Sister Eden held the morning call for our monthly confession. Jungkook was an exception being the youngest. Across the Chapel hall was a confessional. We fell in line as we wait for our turn. Vante was first in line, then Christian, me, Hope-hyung, Suga-hyung, Jin-hyung and the rest of the other kids. The girl's line was a separate one from us. We were not allowed to speak loudly during confession. Once each of us was done, we were told to kneel down the altar and pray for hours.

"Tell me, what is your confession?" The voice from the other side of the stall spoke. I went closer so I could hear. "Mother, may God forgive me for what I am about to do." Vante began. "There is someone very special to me that I want to protect. I am afraid that he would be taken away from me and so I..." the rest became inaudible as he started to speak in a lower voice. Christian glanced at me. "Are you going to listen to my confession as well?" he uttered as he crossed his arms. "It's fine with me. I have nothing to hide anyway. Go on." he tilted his head to the left, signalling me to step aside. Vante came out with his head hang low, and went straight to the altar to kneel down and pray. Christian went in next. "Mother is it a sin to kill someone who is trying to harm you and the people around you?" he started. I was taken aback. Even Mother sounded shocked to hear those words, "it is a sin to take any person's life no matter who he is or how evil he may be," she replied. "Then, may God forgive me. I might become a sinner soon." he chuckled and left. He scared everyone off. "What was that about?" Suga-hyung asked. I was too shaken to answer. "Hey, get inside." Hope-hyung gave me a light thud to get me back on my senses.

The day was full of church activities. I stayed to clean up the chapel. I mopped the floor and wiped the pews. I heard footsteps by the balcony, but didn't bother to look up. It would either be Suga-hyung or Christian. "Randa-hyung, have you seen Suga-hyung? I can't find him anywhere." A voice shouted from above. It was Vante. I stopped mopping at the sound of his voice and looked at him. "What for?" I yelled back. "There's something I need to speak with him about!"

"Have you checked his room? If he's not there, he's probably at the restricted area."

"Alright, I'll check his room first. Thanks!" he waved his hand and left. It didn't occur to me what he had done next.

Having not seen Suga-hyung in his room, Vante went out to look for him at the garden. He remembered where the secret passage to the restricted area is. He went inside with no hesitation and found Suga-hyung on his knees, praying. "Suga-hyung..." he called out in a low voice. Suga looked at him. He jumped to his feet and walked to where Vante stood. "Hope, he's leaving next week. I wanted to let him know how much I appreciate him and that I am thankful for the friendship he has given me all throughout these years. But I don't think he sees me the same way as I do for him." he murmured. "Hope-hyung... is leaving??" Vante echoed.

We were not prepared for this. Noone is, and up to this point, Hope-hyung hadn't muster up the courage to tell Vante he's finally getting adopted. Vante ran away with his hands violently clasped in his mouth. His eyes couldn't stop welling out salty tears. He ran into the creek, where he curled up like a caterpillar under the roots of the maple tree. And he cried his heart out. Unbeknownst to him, Christian saw him came out of the restricted area. He thundered to his place and beat him to a pulp. Vante broke a rib and blood came gushing out of his nose. But he stayed curled up despite the blows. Christian grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up. "I told you not to steal what's mine. You are going to regret this. I'll let you know how painful it feels to lose someone you love, more painful than all your bruises and wounds right now."

Vante did not even flinch. He stared at him with a blank expression which flared his anger even more. He raised his arm and made a fist, and just as he was about to swing, a tiny cracked voice cried, "Vante-hyung! Where are you?" They both looked at the direction where the voice came from. "Jungkook?" his lips trembled as he spoke of his name. Christian's eyes glistened as the corner of his lips curved into a sinister smirk. Vante saw the change in his expression and he grabbed him by the collar. "Not him. I'm not coming close to anyone anymore, but don't you dare touch Jungkook!" he grunted under his breath. Christian swatted his hand off and dropped him to the floor. "Too late." he laughed and walked away.

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