Chapter 7- Malevolence

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Another season passed, the orphanage became lively again with younger children that dwelled in it. It was late April when a kid named Christian arrived. He was a cheerful little boy. When he smiles, his eyes smiles as well. We often make him laugh on purpose whenever we play because he said he can't see anything when he laughs. He was such a sweetheart and very gentle-mannered. Suga-hyung, who is often quiet and very timid, had set his eyes on this kid. We never see him smile the way he does whenever he was with Christian. He even let him enter the 'restricted area'.

It was the old building behind the chapel. The rusty gate had poison ivy wrapped around it and there's barely any gap to peek through. Behind the wall of mossy stones was a secret passage. Whenever Suga-hyung was sad, he would go there. We never knew what was inside. But we can hear faint sound of what seemed to be a church organ, or a piano from within. And occasionally, I can hear them laugh. Although I can't see what was going on, I can tell that they were genuinely happy. Sometimes, they'd be there until dusk. They'd skip meals and lessons but the nuns just let them be. Months passed, and the longer time they spent together, the bigger change we saw in Suga-hyung's attitude. He... changed. "It's for the better, right, Hope?" I needed assurance that I should not worry. Hope just nodded.

A little less than a year had passed, spring had just begun. One day, Suga-hyung asked Sister Clarette, "Sister, may I request for a new piano? I'd like to play on sunday services." We were all speechless to hear those words from him. We've never seen this part of him before. He smiled again. And I could see Sister Clarette in tears for the first time as well. She said yes in a heartbeat and requested from Mother Angelie if the orphanage can have a piano. She explained what happened, and in great exhilaration, the request have been granted at once.

The following day, a huge delivery truck from downtown arrived. They brought out a huge crate inside the church hall and placed it at the balcony. It was a piano. It was glossy like ebony, and the keys were ivory-white and black. I ran hurriedly into Suga-hyung's door. It has triple lock so I had to knock as hard as I could so he could hear it. He opened the door, his hair was ruffled and his eyes were still puffy. I could tell he just woke up. "What is it?" he grunted. "Your piano is at the hall! Sister really got one for you!"

I saw his eyes glistened with gladness. He hopped out and ran as fast as he could. And the first person he called was Christian. "I can now teach you how to play properly!" he exclaimed. Christian pulled the seat and placed his tiny fingers on the keys, "Suga hyung, remember I keep on asking you to teach me how to play a certain song last year?" he smiled angelically. "This is my first piano song for you. I practiced a lot whenever you are sleeping. I hope you will like it." Christian started to gently press on the keys...

The chapel was filled with a serene piano music, serenading out hearts with each note. It was a song called "Passacaglia". I looked at Suga-hyung, his eyes were closed and his head tilted back a bit, and he hummed to the sound. The light passing through the stained glass caressed his snow-like skin, fusing it with luscious colors. I could see a bead of tear crept out from the corner of his eyes. He was so absorbed in the moment until the last note turned to echo and faded into silence. He then opened his eyes, Christian stood up, ran to him and embraced him tightly "Happy Birthday, hyung!" he said as he kissed him on his left cheek. Suga-hyung was flustered but was evidently happy.

"I thought your birthday was April?" I pried? "No, that was the date I arrived here in the orphanage. I was born March 9th." he explained. We were here for four years now, and I have never even dared to ask. I assumed that it was his birthday because we celebrate it annually. "Happy Birthday." was all I could say, I felt the heat of embarrassment crawl into my face. I looked at Christian, and he gave me smirk. That glare looked so different. His eyes, his facial expression, his sinister smirk, he suddenly looked different. Someone unknown to me. "Suga-hyung, can you teach me more songs? I'd like to learn more from you." he smiled sweetly again.

Sometimes, Christian scares me. He was a very delicate-looking person, but something about him felt off. I tried to shrug it off, and told myself that it was fine just as long as I could see Suga-hyung's happiness.

As time went by, Suga-hyung became more and more open to us. He started hanging out with us and played with the other kids. During afternoon, right after the bible study, he and Christian would play beautiful melodies with the piano.They make such a good partners. Sometimes, they'd still go back inside the restricted area and I'd still hear their laughter.

Until one day, I saw Suga-hyung with Vante. They seemed to be in a very serious conversation. I did not mean to pry but I have overheard some of their conversation. "I don't know how to tell him. I'm sure it would break his heart." Vante placed his elbows on his legs as he leaned forward and looked at the ground. He released a deep sigh. "Would you like me to tell him?" Suga-hyung shook his head, "now's not the right time yet."

From behind the flower boxes, I could see Christians head poked. He's eyes darted at Vante with such vicious glare. I felt a pinch of ghastly fear in my chest. As soon as Suga-hyung left, Christian charged towards Vante, grabbed him by the collar and slammed his back on the wall. He put his lips near Vante's ear and whispered something but loud enough for me to hear it from where I stood. He said, "Stay away from Suga. I don't care what you two were talking about but I don't like it when anyone steals what's mine." Vante froze in fear. Behind muffled sobs, he asked, "Why?".

"I don't like to share my friends. I easily get jealous." he replied, then he grinned sarcastically. He pulled Vante close to him and cupped his face "If you steal Suga from me, I will steal Jungkook from you. Keep that in mind." Then he pushed him back and left.

I ran towards Vante and pulled him up. He was shaking violently in fear. He grabbed my arms and burrowed his face in my chest. "Not Jungkook please... don't take him away from me." Then he started to wail. I hugged him tightly. I felt his fear and pain.

Little did we know, Christian was behind the pillars, smiling at us. "I know your weakness now, Vante. Don't you dare go against me."

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