Chapter 6- Vante

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The scorching summer creates an illusion of swirling visions under the waves of heat reflected from the ground. Blue and Green damselflies hopped from one daffodil leaf to the other. The summer breeze leaves a dusty warm trinkles on the skin. And on occasional moments, you will hear the cicadas' loud chirping from abundant cedar trees.

As the green grass of the field swayed along the billowing wind, you can hear the noise of the children happily playing from a distance. The playground of the orphanage was alive and packed that day. Some were flying their kites, some were playing by the sand, some were screaming at the slide and the swing, and some were enjoying their seesaw game.

And there by the creek, was an old truck tire tied on a tree branch with a nylon rope. The scent of the softly flowing water gives off a relaxing feeling. And on that tree, under its hallowed roots, was a child-- curled up like caterpillar and lying peacefully beneath the cool shade of the red maple leaves.

This child stared at the other kids who enjoy their time under the sun. The humidity makes their skin glisten with sweat. His eyes showed no emotion and his face is totally blank. He just laid still at the foot of the tree.

I was at early days of youth when this kid first arrived at the orphanage. He was a survivor of the plague, the nuns said. He never spoke to any of the kids from the time he came in up until now. He looks like a nice kid but he distances himself from everybody, we don't even know his name.

I was one of the youngest in the orphanage before he arrived. The orphanage was huge but it was full and there are barely any space for another child to sleep in. But the day before he arrive, two of my friends got lucky and were chosen by a good family to be adopted. Their room became vacant and after a few days two kids arrived at the orphanage. One was a tiny little boy, who had a bowl cut hair and pretty doe eyes. His name was Jungkook. The second one was him. Jungkook would turn six by next month that time. He enjoyed the company of the children at the orphanage and would love to always play with them. From time-to-time, he would sit beside me and ask what I was doing and I would always reply with the same thing, "I'm reading a book," I would say. He would give off a curious vibe and wondering eyes as if he was really interested with the books. At such a short time, I felt like I grew fond of this kid. While the other one, that lonesome child, would always stay in the dark.

He would close all the windows of their room as soon as Jungkook steps out of it. He would bring down the curtains and lock the door, when he's alone in their room and would sleep under the bed. He barely eats or steps out of the room, and when he does, he'd go straight out to that hollowed place at the foot of the maple tree.

"What a weird kid!" a voice commented. I looked behind me and Hope stood there. "Oh, it's you." I uttered. He sat beside me on a bench near the grove of lemon trees. "He's been like that for quite some time now. Do you think he'll mind if I try to speak with him?" he asked, raising his right brow. "Up to you." I responded nonchalantly. "He looks like a nice person though. Nice but lonely. Maybe he wants a friend too, but he just doesn't know how to approach people he just met. I think I'll try speaking with him." He sought to himself. He stood and said, "let's go. let's talk to him."

I followed him.

He rode the tire which served as a swing by the creek and he swung it gently. "I like it here. It's nice and quiet here."

"I know. You are the only one breaking the silence here." the kid coldly replied. It kinda ticked my nerves. I was supposed to get him to stand up, but Hope stopped me. "Don't" he shook his head. He stood up and sat by the kid's feet. He sat up and glared at him. "What do you want?" he asked inimically. "Uhh... I just want to be friends. I was wondering why you were always alone, and I thought maybe you need some company."

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